
title: " using R" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr} %\VignetteIndexEntry{ using R}

rosio: in R

The rosio package is in very early development. It will be updated regularly and current functionality is very likely to evolve. Enjoy at your own risks!


We have a set of devices that publish information to a specific topic. The topic essentially contains all the raw data packets that are sent by the device(s) that publish with it. Not all that data is usable. A dataset is the cleaned/usable subset of a topic, and multiple datasets form a project.

Devices, topcis, datasets and projects are set up by users, that can belong to organisations. As a user, you will have an identifier and a unique API key.

Let's get started

## This is rosio version 0.0.1

Data streams

Data is accessed through datasets, which are instantiated as dataset objects. The data is then retrieved using the messages function. Similarly, devices are created with the device function and data is retrieved with the messages function.


We are going to explore publicly available topics/datasets here. To access your own private devices, topics, ... you will need a valid username and API key (or, alternatively, JWT).

This is handled by the Rosio class, that stores the user's username, password, API key and JWT token, or any subset thereof. For example, to create the Rosio objet matching user rosio with API key authentication method.

(usr <- Rosio("rosio", key = "e770424c-e62f-49ff-adf1-2f72c49a3c89"))
## Welcome, rosio user rosio 
## Authentication method(s): API key

The username, password, key and jwt functions can be used to access and replace the different fields.

If a password is provided, the getJWttoken function can be used to add a JWT token to the user object. In case of doubt, users can ask themselves

## [1] "rosio"

A public dataset

Let's have a look at dataset number 77.

(kw <- dataset(77))
## A public RosioDataSet
##  Id: 77   Name: kirkwall temperature 
##  | Hourly observation reports recorded by the Met Office UK
##  | Monitoring System. Updated every 30 minutes.
##  Schema:
##   type: float
##   unit: celsius
##   category: temperature

As it is public, we won't need any authentical method and thus can ignore pasing any user information when querying for the data (messages) from that dataset. Below, we ask for the messages published during the last hour.

messages(kw, duration = 3600)
##                  date payload
## 1 2016-11-15 18:31:00     9.7
## 2 2016-11-15 19:01:01     9.7


To get a user's devices

##   client-id                                      description       name
## 1      5424 rosio's first test device with password 2tO06pxZ rosiodev01
##           tags location.lon location.elevation
## 1 test1, test2     52.20121    0.1219482                 25
(dev <- device(5424))
## A Rosio device with id: 5424
messages(dev, usr, = "2016-11-14")
##   device owner                     topic                     date
## 1   5424 rosio         /users/rosio/test 2016-11-14T21:16:32.030Z
## 2   5424 rosio         /users/rosio/test 2016-11-14T21:16:56.257Z
## 3   5424 rosio /users/rosio/rosiotopic01 2016-11-14T21:19:51.542Z
## 4   5424 rosio /users/rosio/rosiotopic01 2016-11-14T21:19:52.427Z
## 5   5424 rosio /users/rosio/rosiotopic01 2016-11-14T21:20:00.671Z
## 6   5424 rosio /users/rosio/rosiotopic01 2016-11-14T21:20:18.487Z
## 7   5424 rosio /users/rosio/rosiotopic01 2016-11-14T21:21:04.078Z
## 8   5424 rosio /users/rosio/rosiotopic01 2016-11-14T21:22:52.871Z
##   payload.encoding payload.content-type
## 1            utf-8                 NULL
## 2            utf-8                 NULL
## 3            utf-8                 NULL
## 4            utf-8                 NULL
## 5            utf-8                 NULL
## 6            utf-8                 NULL
## 7            utf-8                 NULL
## 8            utf-8                 NULL
##                                                 msg2
## 1                                   My first message
## 2                                  My second message
## 3                                  My second message
## 4                                  My second message
## 5                                   My third message
## 6 And first second message was actally first message
## 7                               Encore un message...
## 8                                 Un altro messaggio

lgatto/rosio documentation built on May 21, 2019, 6:07 a.m.