
### Used to represent contiguous "transcriptome space" while keeping track of
### potential gaps in genomic space (ie. as would occur from introns)
#         representation(seqnames="Rle",
#                        ranges="IRanges",
#                        gaps="IRangesList",
#                        strand="Rle",
#                        metadata="list"),
#         prototype(seqnames=Rle(factor()),
#                   ranges=IRanges(),
#                   gaps=IRangesList(),
#                   strand=Rle(strand()),
#                   elementMetadata=NULL),
#         contains="Sequence")
###' Constructor for a GappedRanges object.
###' Lots of the validation code is taken from the GRanges constructor.
###' @param seqnames The chromosome(s) these ranges come from
###' @param ranges The fenceposts for the gapped ranges
###' @param gaps An IRangesList as long as ranges. The IRanges in each element
###' are the gaps for the corresonding ranges "bounds"
###' @param strand The strand of the ranges
###' @param values The DataFrame for the elementMetadata for the ranges.
#GappedRanges <- function(seqnames='*', ranges=IRanges(), gaps=NULL,
#                         strand=Rle("*", length(ranges)), values=NULL, ...) {
#  if (!is(seqnames, 'Rle')) {
#    seqnames <- Rle(seqnames)
#  }
#  if (length(seqnames) != length(ranges)) {
#    if (length(seqnames) == 1L) {
#      seqnames <- rep(seqnames, length(ranges))
#    } else {
#      stop("Can't replicate seqnames to match length of ranges")
#    }
#  }
#  if (!is.factor(runValue(seqnames))) {
#    runValue(seqnames) <- factor(runValue(seqnames))
#  }
#  if (!is(ranges, 'IRanges')) {
#    ranges <- as(ranges, 'IRanges')
#  }
#  if (!is(strand, "Rle")) {
#    strand <- Rle(strand)
#  }
#  if (!is.factor(runValue(strand)) ||
#      !identical(levels(runValue(strand)), levels(strand()))) {
#    runValue(strand) <- strand(runValue(strand))
#  }
#  if (IRanges:::anyMissing(runValue(strand))) {
#    warning("missing values in strand converted to \"*\"")
#    runValue(strand)[is.na(runValue(strand))] <- "*"
#  }
#  lx <- max(length(seqnames), length(ranges), length(strand))
#  if (lx > 1) {
#    if (length(seqnames) == 1)
#      seqnames <- rep(seqnames, lx)
#    if (length(ranges) == 1)
#      ranges <- rep(ranges, lx)
#    if (length(strand) == 1)
#      strand <- rep(strand, lx)
#  }
#  ## Set and check the gaps information for the ranges
#  if (is.null(gaps)) {
#    gaps <- do.call("IRangesList", replicate(length(ranges), IRanges()))
#  }
#  if (length(gaps) < lx) {
#    xg <- do.call('IRangesList', replicate(lx - length(gaps), IRanges()))
#    gaps <- c(gaps, xg)
#  }
#  if (!validGappedRangesGaps(ranges, gaps)) {
#    stop("Invalid gaps object")
#  }
#  ## Create a default DataFrame to drop into the elementMetadata slot
#  if (is.null(values)) {
#    values <- DataFrame(...)
#    if (ncol(values) == 0) {
#      values <- new("DataFrame", nrows=length(ranges))
#    }
#    if (!is.null(rownames(values))) {
#      if (!is.null(names(ranges))) {
#        names(ranges) <- rownames(values)
#      }
#      rownames(values) <- NULL
#    }
#  }
#  new('GappedRanges', seqnames=seqnames, ranges=ranges, gaps=gaps,
#      strand=strand, elementMetadata=values)
#validGappedRangesGaps <- function(ranges, gaps=NULL) {
#  if (is(ranges, 'GappedRanges')) {
#    gaps <- gaps(ranges)
#    ranges <- ranges(ranges)
#  }
#  if (!is(ranges, 'IRanges')) {
#    stop("Invalid ranges object")
#  }
#  if (!is(gaps, 'IRangesList')) {
#    stop("Invalid gaps object")
#  }
#  if (length(ranges) != length(gaps)) {
#    message("Differing lengths for ranges and gaps")
#    return(FALSE)
#  }
#  ## Check that all gaps lie within their conjugate ranges
#  if (length(ranges) != 0L) {
#    for (i in 1:length(ranges)) {
#      grange <- range(gaps[[i]])
#      if (length(grange) > 0) {
#        rrange <- ranges[i]
#        if (start(rrange) > start(grange) || end(rrange) < end(grange)) {
#          message("Out of bounds gaps for range ", i)
#          return(FALSE)
#        }
#      }
#    }
#  }
#setMethod("findOverlaps", c("IRanges", "GappedRanges"),
#function(query, subject, maxgap=0L, minoverlap=1L,
#         type=c("any", "start", "end", "within", "equal"),
#         select=c("all", "first", "last", "arbitrary"), ...) {
#  stop("Implement findOverlaps for GappedRanges")
#  type <- match.arg(type)
#  select <- match.arg(select)
#  o <- findOverlaps(query, ranges(subject), maxgap, minoverlap, type, select,
#                    ...)
#setMethod("subsetByOverlaps", c("GRangesTree", "GRanges"),
#function(query, subject, maxgap=0L, minoverlap=1L,
#         type=c('any', 'start', 'end')) {
#  stop("Implement subsetByOverlaps for GappedRanges")
#  ## The code below was taken from GRangesTree:::subsetByOveralps
#  .seqranges <- split(subject, seqnames(subject))
#  seqover <- lapply(.seqranges, function(seqranges) {
#    if (length(seqranges) == 0L) {
#      return(NULL)
#    }
#    seqname <- as.character(seqnames(seqranges)[1])
#    chr.tree <- query@trees[[seqname]]
#    if (is.null(chr.tree)) {
#      return(NULL)
#    }
#    .stranges <- split(seqranges, strand(seqranges))
#    s <- lapply(.stranges, function(stranges) {
#      if (length(stranges) == 0L) {
#        return(NULL)
#      }
#      strandname <- as.character(strand(stranges)[1])
#      if (strandname == '*') {
#        .ranges <- c(IRanges(chr.tree[['+']]), IRanges(chr.tree[['-']]),
#                     IRanges(chr.tree[['*']]))
#        str.tree <- IntervalTree(.ranges)
#      } else {
#        str.tree <- chr.tree[[strandname]]
#      }
#      if (is.null(str.tree)) {
#        return(NULL)
#      }
#      o <- findOverlaps(ranges(stranges), str.tree, maxgap=maxgap,
#                        minoverlap=minoverlap)
#      if (length(o) == 0L) {
#        return(NULL)
#      }
#      GRanges(seqnames=seqname,
#              ranges=as(str.tree[subjectHits(o)], 'IRanges'),
#              strand=strandname)
#    })
#    names(s) <- names(.stranges)
#    s <- s[!sapply(s, is.null)]
#  })
#  seqover <- seqover[!sapply(seqover, is.null)]
#  if (length(seqover) == 0L) {
#    GRanges()
#  } else {
#    seqover <- unlist(seqover)
#    names(seqover) <- NULL
#    do.call(c, seqover)
#  }
#setMethod("show", c(object="GappedRanges"),
#function(object) {
#  cat("GappedRanges of length", length(object), "\n")
#  df <- as.data.frame(object)
#  df$gaps <- sapply(gaps(object), length)
#  print(df, quote=FALSE, right=TRUE)
#setGeneric("gappedWidth", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("gappedWidth"))
#setMethod("gappedWidth", c(x="GappedRanges"),
#function(x, ...) {
#  .ranges <- ranges(x)
#  .gaps <- gaps(x)
#  width(.ranges) - sapply(width(.gaps), sum)
#setMethod("length", c(x="GappedRanges"),
#function(x) {
#  length(ranges(x))
#setMethod("names", c(x="GappedRanges"),
#function(x) {
#  names(ranges(x))
#setMethod("ranges", c(x="GappedRanges"),
#function(x, ...) {
#  x@ranges
#setMethod("strand", c(x="GappedRanges"),
#function(x) {
#  x@strand
#setMethod("start", c(x="GappedRanges"),
#function(x, ...) {
#  start(ranges(x))
#setMethod("end", c(x="GappedRanges"),
#function(x, ...) {
#  end(ranges(x))
#setMethod("seqnames", c(x="GappedRanges"),
#function(x) {
#  x@seqnames
#setMethod("gaps", c(x="GappedRanges"),
#function(x, start=NA, end=NA) {
#  x@gaps
#setMethod("width", c(x="GappedRanges"),
#function(x) {
#  width(ranges(x))
#setMethod("as.data.frame", c(x="GappedRanges"),
#function(x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE) {
#  ranges <- ranges(x)
#  if (missing(row.names))
#    row.names <- names(x)
#  if (!is.null(names(x)))
#    names(x) <- NULL
#  data.frame(seqnames=as.factor(seqnames(x)),
#             start=start(x),
#             end=end(x),
#             width=width(x),
#             strand=as.factor(strand(x)),
#             as.data.frame(elementMetadata(x)),
#             row.names=row.names,
#             stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
lianos/GenomicCache documentation built on May 21, 2019, 2:30 a.m.