Man pages for likanzhan/acqr
Functions Helping You understand Statistics Easily

Birthday_ProblemBirthday Problem
Create_Binomial_TableCreate a Binomial Frequency Table Based on the Number of Toss...
Create_Index_HtmlCreate an Index HTML file Create a HTML file listing the...
Create_Latin_Square_MatrixCreate a Latin Squared Matrix
Disjunction_Generate_Stimuli_Listimport magick import tuneR Generate Test Stimuli List for the...
Disjunction_Generate_Test_AudioGenerate Test Audios for the Disjunctions and the Modality...
Disjunction_Generate_Test_ImageGenerate Test Images for the Disjunctions and the Modality...
dpDownload pdf files from Frontiers for Youn Minds
ECDFCreate the Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF)
Extract_Sound_FragmentExtract Sound Fragment
help_consolePrinting R help files in the console or in knitr documents
IFSCI Impact Factors June 2019
IntAcMainDraw Interaction and/or Main effects between two factors
jglmerGeneralized Linear Mixed Effect Moddels
jlmerLinear Mixed Effect Moddels
Julia_Mixed_ModelsFit General Linear and Generalized Linear Mixed models from...
LanguageBest Programming Language What is the Best Programming...
List_All_SamplesList all samples
List_Audio_FilesList Audio files in a Directory
MeanShiftMean shift
Merge_Right_Eye_Data_Into_LeftMerge data obtained from Right eye into relevant columns of...
mlsMiles for Cassie
pBFPlot Bayes Factors
Permutation_TestCompute the permutation test of correlation
phtest_glmerConduct a Hausman test
Plot_Binomial_DensityPlot the density of a binomial distribution
Plot_Binomial_SamplePlot The Sample Frequency of a Binomial Distribution
Plot_Binomial_SimulatePlot the data stimulating the binomial distribution
Plot_BoxplotPlot a boxplot
Plot_Compare_Binomial_PoissonDraw a graph to compare the binomial and Possion distribution
Plot_Dummy_RelationPlot possible relations between a factor and a quantative...
Plot_Factor_RelationPlot possible relations between two factors
Plot_F_DistributionPlot F Distribution
Plot_Geometric_DensityPlot the density of a geometric distribution
Plot_Hypergeometric_DensityPlot the density of a hypergeometric distribution
Plot_Negative_Binomial_DensityPlot the density of a negative binomial distribution
Plot_Poisson_DensityPlot the density of a Poisson distribution
Plot_Population_DensityPlot density distributions of two populations
Plot_Population_Density_SinglePlot density distributions of one population
Plot_Population_Density_Single_Critical_RegionPlot density distributions of one population with criteria
Plot_Population_Quantile_QuantilePlot the theoretical quantile-quantile plot (q-q plot)
Plot_Quantile_Quantile_SamplePlot the Empirical Quantile Quantile Diagram (q-q plot)
Plot_R_Source_CodePlot the Number of lines in R source Code
Plot_Sample_FrequencyPlot the sample frequency
Plot_Soundwave_GraphPlot the sound wave graph
Plot_t_DistributionPlot t distributon
pPowerDraw Type I error, Type II error, Power, Cohen's D
print_help_consolePrint help information on console
print.Julia_Mixed_ModelsLinear Mixed Effect Moddels
R2LateXR to latex
Restrict_Overparameterized_ModelRestrict Over-parameterized model Restrict the...
Search_Sample_SeedDefine a seed seach function This function is used to find...
slptrDraw relations between two quantative variables and one...
StdErrCalculate Standard Error
StudResStudent Res
WordAdd words to my dictionary
Word2Add words to my dictionary
Word3Add words to my dictionary
likanzhan/acqr documentation built on Dec. 2, 2020, 10:14 a.m.