Man pages for lina2497/webscrapeR
Webscraping Realtime Data

error_proofRun functions safely
get_UK_weather_warningsParse the met office RSS feed for weather warnings into a...
scrape_commoditiesScrape historical commodity prices
scrape_exchange_ratesScrape historical exchange rates from
scrape_financial_market_historyScrape historical values for different financial markets
scrape_ft_companyScrape share prices from a particular company from the...
scrape_lse_companyScrape share prices from a particular company from the London...
scrape_lse_sectorsScrape share prices from a particular sector from the London...
scrape_mysupermarket_pricesScrape supermarket prices from
scrape_shipaisScrape ship data from ""
scrape_vesseltrackerScrape ship data from ""
webscrapeRwebscrapeR: A package for webscraping various useful data...
lina2497/webscrapeR documentation built on Nov. 15, 2019, 1:48 p.m.