dis.data.re: Line transect data with redistribution post-impact

dis.data.reR Documentation

Line transect data with redistribution post-impact


A simulated dataset containing the observed perpendicular distances, the effort data and other variables of segmented line transect data. The variables are as follows:


A data frame with 10951 rows and 12 variables


  • transect.id Identifier for the individual visits to the transects

  • transect.label Labels for transects

  • season Numerical indicator for the four different seasons

  • impact Numerical indicator for before (0) and after (1) impact

  • segment.id Identifier for individual visits to the segment

  • segment.label Label for segments

  • length Length of segment in km

  • x.pos spatial location in the horizontal axis in UTMs

  • y.pos spatial location in the vertical axis in UTMs

  • depth Depth in m

  • object Id for detected object

  • distance Perpendicular distance from the line

lindesaysh/MRSea documentation built on May 11, 2024, 11:30 p.m.