Test environments

R CMD check results

There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs.

There were 2 NOTEs when run on macOS locally:

"Imports includes 22 non-default packages..."

I have tried to be careful to minimize the dependencies.

Found the following (possibly) invalid DOIs: DOI: 10.1586/erp.11.59 From: DESCRIPTION Status: Forbidden Message: 403

I have manually checked this doi, and it does direct you to the appropriate paper.

There were 3 NOTEs when testing on macOS, windows, and ubuntu through GitHub Actions:

"Imports includes 22 non-default packages..."

I have tried to be careful to minimize the dependencies.

"Found the following hidden files and directories: .github"

Folder listed is included in .Rbuildignore

"Non-standard files/directories found at top level"

All files listed are ones included in .Rbuildignore

There were 0 NOTEs when run through win-builder.

Reverse dependencies

lindsayevanslee/whomds documentation built on Sept. 9, 2023, 10:54 p.m.