Man pages for linxihui/lazyML
Automatic machine learning algorithms and hyper-parameters selection

bestMpTuneModelmethods for 'bestMpTuneModel', 'resampleMpTune'
combine.mpTunecombine mpTune objects
createModelfit a model
fitfit the best model according to 'mpTune'
getDefaultModellist of list of models
getModelInfoget model information
lazyMLAutomatic machine learning algorithms selection and...
loopingRuleparallel looping functions
metricperformance metrics
modifyFunctionmodify default arguments of a function
moretune more models or do more resampling
more.mpTunetune more models
mpTuneModel and parameter simultaneous tuning
mpTuneControlGenerate mpTnControl for mpTune
predict.coxphpredict coxph model
print.mpTuneprint mpTune result
resampleResample to evaluate performance of 'mpTune' chosen model
resamplingcreate (repeated) cross validation folds
SCIA Smooth concordance loss function for mboost algorithms
sigest.randomInteral functions
summary.mpTunesummarize result from 'mpTune'
survival.quantilesget survival quantiles
linxihui/lazyML documentation built on May 21, 2019, 6:39 a.m.