Man pages for lisaamrhein/stochprofML
Stochastic Profiling using Maximum Likelihood Estimation

analyze.sod2Analysis of SOD2 data in stochastic profiling model
analyze.toyclusterAnalysis of toyclusters in stochastic profiling model likelihood confidence intervals for EXP-LN model likelihood confidence intervals for LN-LN model likelihood confidence intervals for rLN-LN model
comb.summandsCombinations of fixed number of summands with pre-defined...
d.sum.of.mixtures.EXPLNSums of mixtures of zero, one or more lognormal random...
d.sum.of.mixtures.LNLNSums of mixtures of lognormal random variables
d.sum.of.mixtures.rLNLNSums of mixtures of lognormal random variables
generate.toydataGeneration and analysis of synthetic data in stochastic...
mix.d.sum.of.mixtures.EXPLNDensity of the sum of mixtures of zero, one or more lognormal...
mix.d.sum.of.mixtures.LNLNDensity of the sum of mixtures of lognormal random variables...
mix.d.sum.of.mixtures.rLNLNDensity of the sum of mixtures of lognormal random variables...
penalty.constraint.EXPLNPenalization for population densities that do not fulfil...
penalty.constraint.LNLNPenalization for population densities that do not fulfil...
penalty.constraint.rLNLNPenalization for population densities that do not fulfil...
set.model.functionsDefines some global model-dependent functions
sod2Measurements from the detoxifying enzyme, SOD2
stochasticProfilingDataUser prompt for generation and visualization of synthetic...
stochasticProfilingMLUser prompt for maximum likelihood estimation of stochastic...
stochprof.loopMaximum likelihood estimation for the parameters in the...
stochprofML-packageStochastic Profiling using Maximum Likelihood Estimation
stochprof.results.EXPLNEvaluation of results from estimation of EXP-LN model
stochprof.results.LNLNEvaluation of results from estimation of LN-LN model
stochprof.results.rLNLNEvaluation of results from estimation of rLN-LN model of the log likelihood function of the EXP-LN... of the log likelihood function of the LN-LN model of the log likelihood function of the rLN-LN...
toycluster.EXPLNSynthetic data from the EXP-LN model
toycluster.LNLNSynthetic data from the LN-LN model
toycluster.rLNLNSynthetic data from the rLN-LN model
lisaamrhein/stochprofML documentation built on Dec. 25, 2021, 9:02 p.m.