  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

This package is a tool for analyze and visualize US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's Fatality Analysis Reporting System data over the years 2013-2015. It gives an easy way to know the situation of the accidents of one of this years for each state of the USA.

Data description

This package will be using data from FARS. FARS is a nationwide census providing NHTSA, Congress and the American public yearly data regarding fatal injuries suffered in motor vehicle traffic crashes


The two main functions in the far package are:

far_maps_state which drows the coordinates of all accidents for a determined year and state

fars_map_state(1, 2013)

fars_summarize_years which indicates the number of accidents by month for a determined year.Its argument is a verctor with the years you want to read


Other useful function is fars_read that reads in a single file for the specific year. You have to provide the path to the location of the FARS data in your computer.


fars_read_years can have multiple years to read. Its argument is a verctor with the years you want to read

fars_read_years(c("2013", "2014"))


To install the package, use install_github function from the devtools package.

llafuenteDECIDE/FAR documentation built on May 18, 2019, 8:12 p.m.