GeomTimelineLabel: This class is used to generate earthquake timeline plots with...

Description Usage Format Details Value


This class creates grobs need to visualize earthquakes by date, country, and city or region. This class extends Geom and is used by geom_timeline_label. A point is plotted for each unique earthquake.




An object of class GeomTimelineLabel (inherits from Geom, ggproto) of length 6.


The following aesthetics are used: x: A vector of dates on which earthquakes occurred. y: A factor vector giving the country in which each earthquake occurred (optional). shape: A numeric vector giving the point shape to be used. size: A numeric vector representing the size of each point. colour: A string vector controlling the color of the point borders. fill: A string vector controlling the fill color of the points. alpha: A numeric constant in the interval [0,1] controlling the transparency of the wind radii chart. This parameter has a default value of 0.4. stroke: A numeric vector controlling the border with of the point. label: A string vector containing the label that should be used for each earthquake; this is usually a city or region name. n_max: A integer constant. If n_max is used, only the n_max largest earthquakes, as determined by the value of size, are given labels. The default behavior is to label all earthquakes.


This returns a tree of grid objects.

lmitchell4/earthquake documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:42 a.m.