nnSVG: nnSVG

View source: R/nnSVG.R

nnSVGR Documentation



Function to run 'nnSVG' method to identify spatially variable genes (SVGs) in spatially-resolved transcriptomics data.


  spatial_coords = NULL,
  X = NULL,
  assay_name = "logcounts",
  n_neighbors = 10,
  order = "AMMD",
  n_threads = 1,
  verbose = FALSE



SpatialExperiment or numeric matrix: Input data, which can either be a SpatialExperiment object or a numeric matrix of values. If it is a SpatialExperiment object, it is assumed to have an assay slot containing either logcounts (e.g. from the scran package) or deviance residuals (e.g. from the scry package), and a spatialCoords slot containing spatial coordinates of the measurements. If it is a numeric matrix, the values are assumed to already be normalized and transformed (e.g. logcounts), formatted as rows = genes and columns = spots, and a separate numeric matrix of spatial coordinates must also be provided with the spatial_coords argument.


numeric matrix: Matrix containing columns of spatial coordinates, formatted as rows = spots. This must be provided if input is provied as a numeric matrix of values, and is ignored if input is provided as a SpatialExperiment object. Default = NULL.


numeric matrix: Optional design matrix containing columns of covariates per spatial location, e.g. known spatial domains. Number of rows must match the number of spatial locations. Default = NULL, which fits an intercept-only model.


character: If input is provided as a SpatialExperiment object, this argument selects the name of the assay slot in the input object containing the preprocessed gene expression values. For example, logcounts for log-transformed normalized counts from the scran package, or binomial_deviance_residuals for deviance residuals from the scry package. Default = "logcounts", or ignored if input is provided as a numeric matrix of values.


integer: Number of nearest neighbors for fitting the nearest-neighbor Gaussian process (NNGP) model with BRISC. The default value is 10, which we recommend for most datasets. Higher numbers (e.g. 15) may give slightly improved likelihood estimates in some datasets (at the expense of slower runtime), and smaller numbers (e.g. 5) will give faster runtime (at the expense of reduced performance). Default = 10.


character: Ordering scheme to use for ordering coordinates with BRISC. Default = "AMMD" for "approximate maximum minimum distance", which is recommended for datasets with at least 65 spots. For very small datasets (n <= 65), "Sum_coords" can be used instead. See BRISC documentation for details. Default = "AMMD".


integer: Number of threads for parallelization. Default = 1. We recommend setting this equal to the number of cores available (if working on a laptop or desktop) or around 10 or more (if working on a compute cluster).


BiocParallelParam: Optional additional argument for parallelization. This argument is provided for advanced users of BiocParallel for further flexibility for parallelization on some operating systems. If provided, this should be an instance of BiocParallelParam. For most users, the recommended option is to use the n_threads argument instead. Default = NULL, in which case n_threads will be used instead.


logical: Whether to display verbose output for model fitting and parameter estimation from BRISC. Default = FALSE.


Function to run 'nnSVG' method to identify spatially variable genes (SVGs) in spatially-resolved transcriptomics data.

The 'nnSVG' method is based on nearest-neighbor Gaussian processes (Datta et al. 2016) and uses the BRISC algorithm (Saha and Datta 2018) for model fitting and parameter estimation. The method scales linearly with the number of spatial locations, and can be applied to datasets containing thousands or more spatial locations. For more details on the method, see our paper.

This function runs 'nnSVG' for a full dataset. The function fits a separate model for each gene, using parallelization with BiocParallel for faster runtime. The parameter estimates from BRISC (sigma.sq, tau.sq, phi) for each gene are stored in 'Theta' in the BRISC output.

Note that the method and this function are designed for a single tissue section. For an example of how to run nnSVG in a dataset consisting of multiple tissue sections, see the tutorial in the nnSVG package vignette.

'nnSVG' performs inference on the spatial variance parameter estimates (sigma.sq) using a likelihood ratio (LR) test against a simpler linear model without spatial terms (i.e. without tau.sq or phi). The estimated LR statistics can then be used to rank SVGs. P-values are calculated from the LR statistics using the asymptotic chi-squared distribution with 2 degrees of freedom, and multiple testing adjusted p-values are calculated using the Benjamini-Hochberg method. We also calculate an effect size, defined as the proportion of spatial variance, 'prop_sv = sigma.sq / (sigma.sq + tau.sq)'.

The function assumes the input is provided either as a SpatialExperiment object or a numeric matrix of values. If the input is a SpatialExperiment object, it is assumed to contain an assay slot containing either log-transformed normalized counts (also known as logcounts, e.g. from the scran package) or deviance residuals (e.g. from the scry package), which have been preprocessed, quality controlled, and filtered to remove low-quality spatial locations. If the input is a numeric matrix of values, these values are assumed to already be normalized and transformed (e.g. logcounts).


If the input was provided as a SpatialExperiment object, the output values are returned as additional columns in the rowData slot of the input object. If the input was provided as a numeric matrix of values, the output is returned as a numeric matrix. The output values include spatial variance parameter estimates, likelihood ratio (LR) statistics, effect sizes (proportion of spatial variance), p-values, and multiple testing adjusted p-values.



### Example 1
### for more details see extended example in vignette

# load example dataset from STexampleData package
spe1 <- Visium_humanDLPFC()

# preprocessing steps
# keep only spots over tissue
spe1 <- spe1[, colData(spe1)$in_tissue == 1]
# skip spot-level quality control (already performed in this dataset)
# filter low-expressed and mitochondrial genes
spe1 <- filter_genes(spe1)
# calculate logcounts using library size factors
spe1 <- computeLibraryFactors(spe1)
spe1 <- logNormCounts(spe1)

# select small number of genes for fast runtime in this example
ix <- c(
  which(rowData(spe1)$gene_name %in% c("PCP4", "NPY")), 
  sample(seq_len(nrow(spe1)), 2)
spe1 <- spe1[ix, ]

# run nnSVG
spe1 <- nnSVG(spe1)

# show results

### Example 2: With covariates
### for more details see extended example in vignette

# load example dataset from STexampleData package
spe2 <- SlideSeqV2_mouseHPC()

# preprocessing steps
# remove spots with NA cell type labels
spe2 <- spe2[, !is.na(colData(spe2)$celltype)]
# skip spot-level quality control (already performed in this dataset)
# filter low-expressed and mitochondrial genes
spe2 <- filter_genes(
  spe2, filter_genes_ncounts = 1, filter_genes_pcspots = 1, 
  filter_mito = TRUE
# calculate logcounts using library size normalization
spe2 <- computeLibraryFactors(spe2)
spe2 <- logNormCounts(spe2)

# select small number of genes for fast runtime in this example
ix <- c(
  which(rowData(spe2)$gene_name %in% c("Cpne9", "Rgs14")), 
  sample(seq_len(nrow(spe2)), 2)
spe2 <- spe2[ix, ]

# create model matrix for cell type labels
X <- model.matrix(~ colData(spe2)$celltype)

# run nnSVG with covariates
spe2 <- nnSVG(spe2, X = X)

# show results

lmweber/nnSVG documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 10:51 a.m.