createDesignMatrix: Create design matrix.

View source: R/createDesignMatrix.R

createDesignMatrixR Documentation

Create design matrix.


Create a model design matrix for a single gene.


createDesignMatrix(condition, n_exons)



Experimental conditions for each sample (character or numeric vector, or factor).


Number of exons in the gene (integer).


Creates a model design matrix for a single gene in the format required by the regsplice model fitting functions. Required inputs are the experimental conditions (groups) for each sample, and the number of exons in the gene.

The design matrix includes main effect terms for each exon and each sample, and interaction terms between the exons and conditions.

Note that the design matrix does not include main effect terms for the conditions, since these are absorbed into the main effect terms for the samples. In addition, the design matrix does not include an intercept column, since it is simpler to let the model fitting functions add an intercept term later.

The model fitting functions in subsequent steps call this function once for each gene.


Returns a model design matrix for the gene, in the format required by the regsplice model fitting functions.

See Also

fitRegMultiple fitNullMultiple fitFullMultiple LRTests


condition <- rep(c(0, 1), each = 3)
n_exons <- 10
X <- createDesignMatrix(condition, n_exons)

lmweber/regsplice documentation built on March 19, 2024, 1:45 p.m.