Man pages for lockedata/TextAnalysis
Code for Locke Data Text Analysis Training

chartConnectionsChart bigrams
getScriptReturn a script for a given URL
getScriptAllBigramsGet bi-grams used in Monty Python movie lines
getScriptAllWordsGet words used in Monty Python movie lines, without stop...
getScriptBigramsGet bi-grams used in Monty Python movie lines, without stop...
getScriptDataScrape the web for Monty Python scripts
getScriptLinesGet Monty Python script lines
getScriptSpeechGet Monty Python script lines that are speech
getScriptURLsGet Monty Python script URLs
getScriptWordsGet words used in Monty Python movie lines, with stop words...
getSentimentSend text to Microsoft Cognitive Services' Sentiment API
negationsTable of negations
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
scriptAllBigramsTable of bi-grams from Monty Python script speech lines
scriptAllWordsTable of words from Monty Python script speech lines
scriptBigramsTable of bi-grams from Monty Python script speech lines...
scriptDataTable of Monty Python scripts
scriptLinesTable of Monty Python script lines
scriptSpeechTable of Monty Python script speech lines
scriptURLsURLs table for various Monty Python scripts
scriptWordsTable of words from Monty Python script speech lines without...
TextAnalysisA helper package for Lock Data Text Analysis training.
lockedata/TextAnalysis documentation built on Nov. 21, 2019, 10:08 p.m.