
#' Fit a HTLR Model
#' This function trains linear logistic regression models with HMC in restricted Gibbs sampling. 
#' @param X Input matrix, of dimension nobs by nvars; each row is an observation vector.
#' @param y Vector of response variables. Must be coded as non-negative integers, 
#' e.g., 1,2,\ldots,C for C classes, label 0 is also allowed.
#' @param fsel Subsets of features selected before fitting, such as by univariate screening.
#' @param stdx Logical; if \code{TRUE}, the original feature values are standardized to have \code{mean = 0} 
#' and \code{sd = 1}.
#' @param iter A positive integer specifying the number of iterations (including warmup).
#' @param warmup A positive integer specifying the number of warmup (aka burnin). 
#' The number of warmup iterations should not be larger than iter and the default is \code{iter / 2}.
#' @param thin A positive integer specifying the period for saving samples.
#' @param leap The length of leapfrog trajectory in sampling phase.
#' @param leap.warm The length of leapfrog trajectory in burnin phase.
#' @param leap.stepsize The integrator step size used in the Hamiltonian simulation.
#' @param cut The coefficients smaller than this criteria will be fixed in each HMC updating step.
#' @param init The initial state of Markov Chain; it accepts three forms:
#' \itemize{ 
#' \item a previously fitted \code{fithtlr} object, 
#' \item  a user supplied initial coeficient matrix of (p+1)*K, where p is the number of features, K is the number of classes in y minus 1, 
#' \item a character string matches the following:  
#' \itemize{
#'   \item "lasso" - (Default) Use Lasso initial state with \code{lambda} chosen by 
#'   cross-validation. Users may specify their own candidate \code{lambda} values via 
#'   optional argument \code{lasso.lambda}. Further customized Lasso initial 
#'   states can be generated by \code{\link{lasso_deltas}}.    
#'   \item "bcbc" - Use initial state generated by package \code{BCBCSF} 
#'   (Bias-corrected Bayesian classification). Further customized BCBCSF initial 
#'   states can be generated by \code{\link{bcbcsf_deltas}}. WARNING: This type of 
#'   initial states can be used for continuous features such as gene expression profiles, 
#'   but it should not be used for categorical features such as SNP profiles.
#'   \item "random" - Use random initial values sampled from N(0, 1).     
#' }
#' }
#' @param prior The prior to be applied to the model. Either a list of hyperparameter settings 
#' returned by \code{\link{htlr_prior}} or a character string from "t" (student-t), "ghs" (horseshoe), 
#' and "neg" (normal-exponential-gamma).
#' @param df The degree freedom of t/ghs/neg prior for coefficients. Will be ignored if the 
#' configuration list from \code{\link{htlr_prior}} is passed to \code{prior}. 
#' @param verbose Logical; setting it to \code{TRUE} for tracking MCMC sampling iterations.  
#' @param rep.legacy Logical; if \code{TRUE}, the output produced in \code{HTLR} versions up to 
#' legacy-3.1-1 is reproduced. The speed will be typically slower than non-legacy mode on
#' multi-core machine. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param keep.warmup.hist Warmup iterations are not recorded by default, set \code{TRUE} to enable it. 
#' @param ... Other optional parameters:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item rda.alpha - A user supplied alpha value for \code{\link{bcbcsf_deltas}}. Default: 0.2.
#'   \item lasso.lambda - A user supplied lambda sequence for \code{\link{lasso_deltas}}. 
#'   Default: \{.01, .02, \ldots, .05\}. Will be ignored if \code{rep.legacy} is set to \code{TRUE}.
#' } 
#' @return An object with S3 class \code{htlr.fit}.  
#' @references
#' Longhai Li and Weixin Yao (2018). Fully Bayesian Logistic Regression 
#' with Hyper-Lasso Priors for High-dimensional Feature Selection.
#' \emph{Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation} 2018, 88:14, 2827-2851.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(12345)
#' data("colon")
#' ## fit HTLR models with selected features, note that the chain length setting is for demo only
#' ## using t prior with 1 df and log-scale fixed to -10 
#' fit.t <- htlr(X = colon$X, y = colon$y, fsel = 1:100,
#'               prior = htlr_prior("t", df = 1, logw = -10), 
#'               init = "bcbc", iter = 20, thin = 1)
#' ## using NEG prior with 1 df and log-scale fixed to -10 
#' fit.neg <- htlr(X = colon$X, y = colon$y, fsel = 1:100,
#'                 prior = htlr_prior("neg", df = 1, logw = -10), 
#'                 init = "bcbc", iter = 20, thin = 1)
#' ## using horseshoe prior with 1 df and auto-selected log-scale   
#' fit.ghs <- htlr(X = colon$X, y = colon$y, fsel = 1:100,
#'                 prior = "ghs", df = 1, init = "bcbc",
#'                 iter = 20, thin = 1)
htlr <-
  function (X, y,
            fsel = 1:ncol(X),
            stdx = TRUE,
            prior = "t",
            df = 1,
            iter = 2000,
            warmup = floor(iter/2), 
            thin = 1,
            init = "lasso",
            leap = 50,
            leap.warm = floor(leap/10),
            leap.stepsize = 0.3,
            cut = 0.05,
            verbose = FALSE,
            rep.legacy = FALSE,
            keep.warmup.hist = FALSE,
  stopifnot(iter > warmup, warmup > 0, thin > 0, leap > 0, leap.warm > 0)  
  if (exists("rda.alpha")) {
    if (init != "bcbc")
      warning("not using 'BCBCSF' init, input 'rda.alpha' will be ignored")
  } else {
    rda.alpha <- 0.2
  if (exists("lasso.lambda")) {
    if (init != "lasso")
      warning("not using 'LASSO' init, input 'lasso.lambda' will be ignored")
    else if (rep.legacy)
      warning("rep.legacy == TRUE, input 'lasso.lambda' will be ignored")
  } else {
    lasso.lambda <- seq(.05, .01, by = -.01)
  if (is.character(prior))
    prior <- htlr_prior(prior, df)
  # htlr_fit() will take care of input checking
  htlr_fit(X_tr = X, y_tr = y, fsel = fsel, stdzx = stdx, 
           ptype = prior$ptype, alpha = prior$alpha, s = prior$logw, 
           #eta = prior$eta, 
           sigmab0 = prior$sigmab0, 
           iters_h = warmup, iters_rmc = (iter - warmup), thin = thin, 
           leap_L = leap, leap_L_h = leap.warm, leap_step = leap.stepsize, 
           hmc_sgmcut = cut, initial_state = init, 
           silence = !verbose, rep.legacy = rep.legacy, keep.warmup.hist = keep.warmup.hist)

longhaiSK/HTLR documentation built on Oct. 24, 2022, 5:33 p.m.