Man pages for lorenzwalthert/strcode
Structure and abstract your code

check_via_readcheck via reading files
find_granFind out granularity of a string vector
find_titleelicit break titles via shiny gadget
get_anchorCreat anchor sequence
give_breakcharfind breakchar for level
help_create_breakcreate a break sequence
help_create_titlecreate a title sequence
help_inserthelp insert
insert_anchorInsert a hash anchor
insert_breakInsert a code break of arbitrary level
insert_l_breakinsert a section break with an optional title
strcodeStructure and abstract your code better
sum_strSummarize the code structure
sum_str_helperhelper function for code summarisation return code summary...
text_focusinsert text with autofocus
lorenzwalthert/strcode documentation built on May 11, 2023, 12:10 a.m.