
can initialize with cli [plain]

  v Populated file 'script.R' in 'touchstone/'.
  v Populated file 'header.R' in 'touchstone/'.
  v Populated file 'footer.R' in 'touchstone/'.
  v Populated file 'config.json' in 'touchstone/'.
  v Populated file '.gitignore' in 'touchstone/'.
  v Populated file 'touchstone-receive.yaml' in '.github/workflows/'.
  v Populated file 'touchstone-comment.yaml' in '.github/workflows/'.
  ! Could not find '.Rbuildignore' to add 'touchstone'.
  * Replace the mtcars sample code in `touchstone/script.R` with code from your
  package you want to benchmark.
  i You can modify the PR comment, see `?touchstone::pr_comment`.
  * Commit and push to GitHub to the default branch to activate the workflow,
  then make a pull request to trigger your first benchmark run.

can initialize with cli [ansi]

  [32mv[39m Populated file [34m[34mscript.R[34m[39m in [34m[34mtouchstone/[34m[39m.
  [32mv[39m Populated file [34m[34mheader.R[34m[39m in [34m[34mtouchstone/[34m[39m.
  [32mv[39m Populated file [34m[34mfooter.R[34m[39m in [34m[34mtouchstone/[34m[39m.
  [32mv[39m Populated file [34m[34mconfig.json[34m[39m in [34m[34mtouchstone/[34m[39m.
  [32mv[39m Populated file [34m[34m.gitignore[34m[39m in [34m[34mtouchstone/[34m[39m.
  [32mv[39m Populated file [34m[34mtouchstone-receive.yaml[34m[39m in [34m[34m.github/workflows/[34m[39m.
  [32mv[39m Populated file [34m[34mtouchstone-comment.yaml[34m[39m in [34m[34m.github/workflows/[34m[39m.
  [33m![39m Could not find [34m[34m.Rbuildignore[34m[39m to add [34m[34mtouchstone[34m[39m.
  * Replace the mtcars sample code in `touchstone/script.R` with code from your
  package you want to benchmark.
  [36mi[39m You can modify the PR comment, see `?touchstone::pr_comment`.
  * Commit and push to GitHub to the default branch to activate the workflow,
  then make a pull request to trigger your first benchmark run.

can initialize with cli [unicode]

  ✔ Populated file 'script.R' in 'touchstone/'.
  ✔ Populated file 'header.R' in 'touchstone/'.
  ✔ Populated file 'footer.R' in 'touchstone/'.
  ✔ Populated file 'config.json' in 'touchstone/'.
  ✔ Populated file '.gitignore' in 'touchstone/'.
  ✔ Populated file 'touchstone-receive.yaml' in '.github/workflows/'.
  ✔ Populated file 'touchstone-comment.yaml' in '.github/workflows/'.
  ! Could not find '.Rbuildignore' to add 'touchstone'.
  • Replace the mtcars sample code in `touchstone/script.R` with code from your
  package you want to benchmark.
  ℹ You can modify the PR comment, see `?touchstone::pr_comment`.
  • Commit and push to GitHub to the default branch to activate the workflow,
  then make a pull request to trigger your first benchmark run.

can initialize with cli [fancy]

  [32m✔[39m Populated file [34m[34mscript.R[34m[39m in [34m[34mtouchstone/[34m[39m.
  [32m✔[39m Populated file [34m[34mheader.R[34m[39m in [34m[34mtouchstone/[34m[39m.
  [32m✔[39m Populated file [34m[34mfooter.R[34m[39m in [34m[34mtouchstone/[34m[39m.
  [32m✔[39m Populated file [34m[34mconfig.json[34m[39m in [34m[34mtouchstone/[34m[39m.
  [32m✔[39m Populated file [34m[34m.gitignore[34m[39m in [34m[34mtouchstone/[34m[39m.
  [32m✔[39m Populated file [34m[34mtouchstone-receive.yaml[34m[39m in [34m[34m.github/workflows/[34m[39m.
  [32m✔[39m Populated file [34m[34mtouchstone-comment.yaml[34m[39m in [34m[34m.github/workflows/[34m[39m.
  [33m![39m Could not find [34m[34m.Rbuildignore[34m[39m to add [34m[34mtouchstone[34m[39m.
  • Replace the mtcars sample code in `touchstone/script.R` with code from your
  package you want to benchmark.
  [36mℹ[39m You can modify the PR comment, see `?touchstone::pr_comment`.
  • Commit and push to GitHub to the default branch to activate the workflow,
  then make a pull request to trigger your first benchmark run.

lorenzwalthert/touchstone documentation built on April 20, 2024, 9:57 a.m.