  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

"The basic principle of defensive programming is to “fail fast”, to raise an error as soon as something goes wrong." - Hadley Wickham (Advanced R)


VarBundle makes it easy for R developers to bundle conceptually related, read-only variables in a list-like object of immutable constants.

Rationale and Approach

The VarBundle package grew out of frustration with perceived shortcomings in the R language that hinder its utility for developing robust, easily refactorable and debuggable code.

While developing complex software systems (e.g., data science pipelines, business applications) it is often necessary to access the value of the same variable(s) across multiple functions. Common examples include: file paths, execution flags, default values, and business thresholds. As the number of variables increases, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain and understand the code base; Function interfaces become more complex and code logic becomes difficult to understand if variables are not appropriately grouped into conceptually/functionally related units.

One common solution in R, is to store related variable/value pairs in a structure like a list or environment. This approach is useful because it allows conceptually related variables to be bundled together and assigned a single, reflective variable name (e.g., sales_thresholds). Components of the list can be accessed via the $ operator and tab-completion further reduces cognitive burden and minimizes typos. The fundamental drawback of this approach, however, is that nothing prevents a team member (or your future self) from unintentionally overwriting list values. Unfortunately, this approach can allow pernicious logical, runtime bugs to crop up and reduces the robustness and utility of this approach for developing production-ready systems.

The "list" approach with its associated drawbacks is illustrated in the code below. Here, the primary developer has encoded important variables into a inventory_thresholds list, which can then be accessed across the code base. For example, the adjust_inventory() function tests whether the passed in product has sufficient units or if more product should be ordered. So far, so good. However, elsewhere in the code, the inventory_thresholds list member is unknowingly modified (inventory_thresholds$min <- 90). Strange, unexpected runtime behavior may be elicited throughout the system, and in the case of fully automated system it may be some time until a user even detects that there is a problem.

## approach using lists
inventory_thresholds <- list(min = 50, max = 100)

## ... more code

adjust_inventory <- function(prod, units) {
  if (units < inventory_thresholds$min) { # low inventory
    "low inventory: order more product"
  } else {
    "inventory good"

# ... lots more code

inventory_thresholds$min <- 90 # Oh No! team member unknowingly changes value

# ... additional code

## Runtime, logical bug
adjust_inventory("widgets", units = 60) 
## expect: "inventory good"
## received: "low inventory: order more product"

Tracking down logical, runtime bugs such as the one illustrated above, is both costly and frustrating. VarBundle objects can help reduce these type of logical, runtime bugs by providing a list-like structure of read-only fields. Once a VarBundle object has been created, field values and names cannot be changed. In spirit, the VarBundle functions as dictionary of constants.


## approach using VarBundle
inventory_thresholds <- varbundle(list(min = 50, max = 100))

## ... more code

adjust_inventory <- function(prod, units) {
  if (units < inventory_thresholds$min) { # low inventory
    "low inventory: order more product"
  } else {
    "inventory good"

# ... lots more code

# Oh No! team member unknowingly changes value

inventory_thresholds$min <- 90 ## ERROR THROWN HERE

## "VarBundle fields are read only."

# ... additional code

adjust_inventory("widgets", units = 60) ## NO LOGICAL BUG

Now, if a team member attempts to change the value of inventory_thresholds$min, when the code is sourced or run, it will throw an error at the offending line, not elicit a logical runtime bug elsewhere in the code. VarBundle objects facilitate defensive programming by helping you write code that avoids common problems before they occur. By throwing an error as soon as a problem is detected, VarBundles help you write robust, production-worthy code, and reduce the time you spend debugging.

The Basics


The easiest way to create a VarBundle object is to call function varbundle() passing in a named list of values.

thresholds <- varbundle(list(min = 1, max = 10))

If you already have existing code that uses the "list" approach discussed above, {VarBundle} makes it relatively easy to transform your existing code by passing your list to the varbundle() constructor.

## the "list" approach
file_paths <- list(data_in = "./foo/bar/data.csv", 
                   data_out = "./foo/bar/out.csv")

# transform existing list to VarBundle
file_paths <- varbundle(file_paths)


Just like a list, you can access VarBundle fields via the $ operator.


Like a list, you can also dynamically access its value via a variable and double-bracket syntax.

t1 <- "min"


You can retrieve all VarBundle fields names via field_names().

vb <- varbundle(list(hello = 1, world = 2))

If you attempt to access a non-existent field returns NULL.



Once a VarBundle object has been created, its fields cannot be modified - assignment causes an error to be thrown.

thresholds$min <- 25

New fields cannot be added to an existing VarBundle object. This too will throw an error.

thresholds$new_min <- 25

Permissable Values

VarBundle objects can be created with any type of value. Basically anything you can store in a list can also be stored in a VarBundle.

Atomic Types

# integers
vb_int <- varbundle(list(a = 1L, b = 2L))
# doubles
vb_dbl <- varbundle(list(a = 1.5, b = 2.1))
vb_char <- varbundle(list(a = "foo", b = "bar"))
vb_log <- varbundle(list(a = TRUE, b = FALSE))

Mixed Types

vb_mix <- varbundle(list(a = 1L, b = 2.1, c = "foo", d = TRUE))


vb_vec <- varbundle(list(nums = 1:10, colors = c("red", "green")))


vb_df <- varbundle(list(df = data.frame(a = 1:10, b = 11:20)))

Other VarBundles

units <- varbundle(list(min = 1, max = 100))
sales <- varbundle(list(min = 10000, max = 500000))
thresholds <- varbundle(list(units = units, sales = sales))


VarBundles for System Configuration

VarBundles make it easy to encode and store system configuration information. "Simple" VarBundles only contain atomic, scalar values (i.e. no "complex" items such as lists or vectors).

simple_vb <- varbundle(list(user_id = "doe.john", 
                            role = "admin", 
                            max_resources = 25))

complex_vb <- varbundle(list(data = data.frame(a = 1:10, b = letters[1:10])))

Simple VarBundles provide a method that returns a data.frame representation of the VarBundle.


This makes it easy to store (and possibly modify) configuration information. The varbundle constructor function can create a VarBundle from the stored data.frame repesentation.

config_file <- "user_config.csv"
df <- simple_vb$
readr::write_csv(df, config_file)

new_vb <- varbundle(readr::read_csv(config_file, )) 

Complex VarBundle objects return NULL if the method is called.

df <- complex_vb$

Key Similarities/Differences between VarBundle, list, & environment

ll <- list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
en <- rlang::new_environment(ll)
vb <- VarBundle::varbundle(ll)

## Access elements via `$`
ll$a #1
en$a #1
vb$a #1

## Access elements via name
ll[["b"]] #2
en[["b"]] #2
vb[["b"]] #2

## Access by integer index
ll[[3]] #3
en[[3]] #NO - Throws Error
vb[[3]] #No - Throws Error

## Change Element
ll$a <- "foo" #foo
en$a <- "foo" #foo
vb$a <- "foo" #NO - Throws Error

## Add element
ll$bar <- "bar" #bar
en$bar <- "bar" #bar
vb$bar <- "bar" #NO - Throws Error

## List names
names(ll) #"a"   "b"   "c"   "bar"
names(en) #"a"   "b"   "c"   "bar"
field_names(vb) #"a" "b" "c"
names(vb) # returns attributes and methods 

## Unique Names
# lists allow non-unique names
ll2 <- list(a = 1, a = 2)
ll2 # list of 2 elements

# environments force unique names
en2 <- rlang::new_environment(ll2)
en2 # environment of 1 element (drops to force unique names)

# varbundles require unique names
vb2 <- varbundle(ll2) #NO - Throws Error (VarBundle names must be unique)

loudermilk/VarBundle documentation built on May 27, 2019, 3:31 p.m.