
Project to develop a user-centric analytics platform for the stackexchange community.

Currently developing a collaborative-filter recommendation engine to better match users (stackexchange members) with items (questions), so that users are presented k-top-questions that are current and which will likely be of interest to to that specific user. Initial prototypes will be based on static data that is publically available in a stackexchange data dump (published March 2016), though plans are to extend this via real-time calls through stackexchange APIs.

Recommendation Engine V1 (proof of concept) * site: * goal: Item-based collaborative filter * matrix: m users x n questions * entities: unary answer response (may treat NA as 0 for binary) * ui: console and file i/o

Recommendation Engine V2 site: goal: Item-based collaborative filter enhanced with item & user tag content matrix: m users x n questions entities: unary answer response (may treat NA as 0 for binary) * ui: rudimentary shiny

loudermilk/stack documentation built on May 21, 2019, 7:39 a.m.