Man pages for louisaslett/ReliabilityTheory
Structural Reliability Analysis

cnO2Catalogue of Coherent Networks of Order 2
cnO3Catalogue of Coherent Networks of Order 3
computeSystemSignatureCompute the signature of a system
computeSystemSurvSignatureCompute the survival signature of a system
createSystemCreate a system specification
expectedSystemLifetimeExpCompute the expected lifetime of a given system
maskedInferenceEXCHCustomInference for Masked Exchangeable System Lifetimes, Custom...
maskedInferenceEXCHExponentialInference for Masked Exchangeable System Lifetimes,...
maskedInferenceIIDCustomInference for Masked iid System Lifetimes, Custom...
maskedInferenceIIDExponentialInference for Masked iid System Lifetimes, Exponential...
nonParBayesSystemInferenceNon-parametric Bayesian posterior predictive system survival...
nonParBayesSystemInferencePriorSetsNon-parametric Bayesian posterior predictive system survival...
ReliabilityTheory-packageStructural Reliability Theory Toolbox
sccsO2Catalogue of Simply Connected Coherent Systems of Order 2
sccsO3Catalogue of Simply Connected Coherent Systems of Order 3
sccsO4Catalogue of Simply Connected Coherent Systems of Order 4
sccsO5Catalogue of Simply Connected Coherent Systems of Order 5
setCompTypesSet component types in a system
simulateSystemSimulate Masked Lifetime Data for a System
systemGraphToGeneratorConstruct a Continuous-time Markov Chain Generator
louisaslett/ReliabilityTheory documentation built on Feb. 22, 2024, 8:02 p.m.