Man pages for louischaman/Rstartup

charInputputs the string array into a pasteable list
char.numA letter counting function
col.numA letter counting function
combine.df.listA letter counting function
crossJoinCross join
crossJoin2Cross join
dfbindA letter counting function
file.nameA letter counting function
get_namesA letter counting function
insert_rowA letter counting function
justNameA letter counting function
lastA letter counting function
list.spatialLists unique shapefiles
multmergeA letter counting function
multmerge2A letter counting function
multmerge3A letter counting function
na.repA letter counting function
openwdA letter counting function
read_dataA letter counting function
read.excelThis reads from clipboard excel cells to dataframe
read.spatialsaves the data frame in a fake file then re-reads it to guess...
remPuncA letter counting function
repathA letter counting function
reTableA letter counting function
rmWhiteA letter counting function
rptrepath generation
setpjA letter counting function
sigFigIndA letter counting function
time_countfor elements that start and stop dates/times this counts how...
titleCaseA letter counting function
write.dataA letter counting function
write.excelA letter counting function
write.spatialA letter counting function
louischaman/Rstartup documentation built on May 10, 2019, 12:10 a.m.