
Sync entire folders to dropbox with rdrop2 package




To sync an entire folder use:

sync(".", "path/in/dropbox", token = token, dry = TRUE)

dry option will show the files to update but do nothing.

This will copy the content of the current . folder to path/in/dropbox.

Use pattern option to include only specific files, or use blackList to ignore others. The latest allows more than one character. For instance, blackList = c("data", "Rmd", ".yaml", ".bib")

The option share will return the sharing url from dropbox.

More complex example:

token <- readRDS("~/.droptoken.rds")

sync(".", remote = dropdir, token = token,
     blackList = c("cache", "data", "Rmd", "R$", "_files", "_cache"),
     dry = T,
     share = T)

shared link gets copied to clipboard at the end of the sync

How it works

It uses list.files to get all the files from the folder and the upload with rdrop2::drop_upload. It keeps the dir structure from the local folder you want to sync. That means that if path is the local folder, and remote is your remote folder, all that is in path goes to remote.

It uses pattern from list.files to include only some files, or blackList, a character vector, to exclude files matching any of the values in there.

The first time it would create a cache file in the local folder under the name .r2dropSmart_cache that will be used to compare versions. NOTE: IT IS NOT COMPARING FROM THE REMOTE, BUT FROM THE LAST TIME YOU UPLOADED FILES.

It won't remove files that are not in local but are in remote.

It uses rdrop2::drop_shate to create the link. The info is stored in .r2dropSamrt in the local folder.

lpantano/r2dropSmart documentation built on May 8, 2019, 6:54 p.m.