Man pages for lrutter/ggenealogy
Visualization Tools for Genealogical Data

buildAncDesCoordDFReturns the coordinate positions of all ancestors and...
buildAncDesTotalDFReturns data frame with plot coordinates of all ancestors and...
buildAncListReturns the ancestors of a particular variety (if they...
buildDesListReturns the descendants of a particular variety (if they...
buildEdgeTotalDFBuild the edges in the genealogy graph.
buildMinusPathDFProcess the genealogy graph
buildPathDFBuild data frame for path representation
buildPlotTotalDFBuild all labels in the graph
buildSpreadTotalDFBuild a data frame where the varieties are spread so they do...
dfToIGProcess the genealogy graph
getAncestorsReturns a list of the ancestors of a particular variety (if...
getBasicStatisticsDetermine basic statistics of the graph object
getBranchQualDescendant branch calculations for quantitative variable
getBranchQuantDescendant branch calculations for quantitative variable
getChildReturns the children of a particular variety (if they exist)
getDegreeDetermine the degree between two varieties
getDescendantsReturns a list of the descendants of a particular variety (if...
getEdgesReturns edges (vertex names and edge weights) for the full...
getNodesReturns the nodes for a full genealogy
getParentReturns the parents of a particular variety (if they exist)
getPathDetermine the path between two varieties
getPathOnlyDetermine the path between two varieties
getVariableDetermine the date of a variety
isChildDetermine if a variety is a child of another
isParentDetermine if a variety is a parent of another
nodeToDFReturns the data frame representation of all ancestors and...
plotAncDesReturns the image object to show the ancestors and...
plotDegMatrixReturns the image object to show the heat map of degrees...
plotPathConstruct the graphic object of the path
plotPathOnAllPlot a path between two vertices over the full genealogy
plotVariableMatrixReturns the image object to show the heat map of dates...
sbGenealSoybean data
statGenealAcademic statistics data
lrutter/ggenealogy documentation built on Feb. 22, 2024, 8:03 p.m.