Man pages for lspatial/sptemUS
Constrained Spatiotemporal Mixed-Effect Models for Exposure Estimation of Air Pollutants

abatchModelA Batch Modeing Training Inner Functions
allPre500The dataset of the prediction result for some days for 2014...
bKrigingRegional Mean Estimation by Block Kriging
bndBND spatial topology data for use in spatial effect modeling.
colorCusGrinfCustomed Color Generation by the Number of the Levels
colorGrinfGeneration of Customed Gradient Colors
conOptFunction of Constrained Optimization
conOptNo2Constrained Optimization for NO2 Series for a Location
conOptNoxConstrained Optimization for NOx Series for a Location
countylayerCounty layer map for illustration of block Kriging.
extarctBiweekMegteosExtract the biweekly averages for the subject location and...
extractVNC4Extract Values for Point from NC4 Image
extractVTIFExtract GeoTiff Data
fillNASVDFunction to Use SVD to Impute the Missing Values for Training...
fillNASVDSerSVD to Interpolate the Missing Values in the Time Series Data
genBiweekMeteosGenerate the meteorological parameters on the server side for...
genRasterGeneration of Raster Covering the Side Map
GetARegionBKGet a Regional Kriging
getPolyMMeanGeneration of Regional Monthly Mean Based on the Input...
getPolyYMeanGeneration of Regional Yearly Mean Based on the Input...
getPolyYMeanFlagExtract regional yearly mean of air pollutants
getRidbytpolygetRidbytpoly for Assignment of Thiessen polygon id to point...
getRidbytpolyFlagAssign Thiessen Polygon ID to New Dataset
getTBasisFunGeneration of Temporal Basis Function
getTidBKMeanBatch Block Kriging for Estimate of Regional Means
getTimeSeriesFlagExtract temporal basis function
getTrainCovExtract the covariate value from the train model
getTSeriesAccess the temporal basis function of NO2 and NOx for a...
gtifRstThe 2014 time series of PM2.5 concentrations of Shandong...
helloHello, World!
inter2conOptBatch Interpolation of the Missing Values for Time Series...
noweiAvgAverages over the Ensemble Predictions of Mixed Models (No...
parATimePredictBatch Prediction for Time Series Using the Ensemble Models
parSpModelGeneration of Spatiotemporal Models by Bootstrap Aggregating
parTemporalBImpFunction to Fill Missing Values by Constraint Optimization
perMdPredictionBatch Prediction Using the Trained Models
points2RasterGeneration of Grid Surface Using the predicted/Interpolated...
pol_season_trendspol_season_trends .
prnsideSide to limit the Thiessen's polygons.
pyparpredictPython parallel computation for prediction
rcpp_helloHello, Rcpp!
rmseRMSE function
rSquaredCoefficient of Determination
samplepntSample data for generation of Thiessen polygons.
shd140401pcovsThe dataset of 04/01/2014 prediction dataset for the raster...
shdSeries2014The 2014 time series of PM2.5 concentrations of Shandong...
spointspreSpatialPointDataFrame as container of raster to geo-link with...
tpolygonsByBordertpolygonsByBorder for Generation of Thiessen polygons
trainsampleThe dataset of 2014 training sample for the Shandong with...
voronoipolygons2Generation of Thiesseon Polygons By Points
weiA2EnsEnsemble Weighted Prediction of Mixed Models
weiA2EnsFlagWeighted averages by the output of mixed models on the server...
weightedstatWeighted Average for Multiple Models
lspatial/sptemUS documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:42 a.m.