intervals: Calculate fire intervals from a 'composite'

View source: R/intervals.R

intervalsR Documentation

Calculate fire intervals from a composite


Calculate fire intervals from a composite


intervals(comp, densfun = "weibull")



A composite instance, usually output from composite(). Should contain only one series.


String giving desired distribution to fit. Either "weibull" or "lognormal". Default is "weibull".


An intervals object. intervals have components:

  • "intervals" an integer vector giving the actual fire intervals.

  • "fitdistr" a fitdistr object from MASS::fitdistr() representing the density function fit.

  • "densfun" a string giving the name of the density function used.

  • "kstest" an htest object from stats::ks.test() giving the result of a one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.

  • "shapirotest" an htest object from stats::shapiro.test() giving the result of a Shapiro-Wilk normality test.

  • "comp_name" a string giving the name of the interval's input composite.

  • "event_range" an integer vector giving the year range (min, max) of events used to create this intervals.

See Also

  • composite() to create a composite object.

  • mean.intervals() gets mean fire interval.

  • median.intervals() gets median fire interval.

  • quantile.intervals() get fit distribution quantiles.

  • plot_intervals_dist() plots intervals.

  • min.intervals() gives the minimum fire interval.

  • max.intervals() gives the maximum fire interval.

  • print.intervals() prints common fire-interval summary statistics.


interv <- intervals(composite(pgm))

mean(interv) # Mean interval

# Now fit log-normal distribution instead of Weibull.
intervals(composite(pgm), densfun = "lognormal")
## Not run: 
# Boxplot of fire interval distribution.

## End(Not run)

ltrr-arizona-edu/burnr documentation built on May 28, 2022, 9:29 a.m.