Man pages for luizassis/sits
Satellite Image Time Series Analysis

sits_accuracyEvaluates the accuracy of classification
sits_accuracy_areaArea-weighted post-classification accuracy assessment of...
sits_accuracy_saveEvaluates the accuracy of classification
sits_algorithmWTSPSProvides information about one algorithm of the WTSPS service
sits_alignAligns dates of time series to a reference date
sits_applyApply a function over SITS bands.
sits_bandsreturns the names of the bands of a time series
sits_cancelProcess_WTSPSCancels a process running in the WTSPS service
sits_clusterCuts a cluster tree produced by sits_dendrogram
sits_cluster_cleanerCluster cleaner
sits_cluster_frequencyCluster frequency
sits_cluster_relabelCluster cleaner
sits_cluster_validityCluster validity indices
sits_conf_fromGZObtain a confusion matrix from a compressed JSON file.
sits_conf_fromJSONObtain a confusion matrix from a JSON file.
sits_coverageWTSSProvides information about one coverage of the WTSS service
sits_create_foldsCreate partitions of a data set
sits_createZooObjectCreate an indexed ordered obsevartion set within a...
sits_datesReturn the dates of a sits table
sits_deep_learningTrain SITS classifiction models with deep learning
sits_dendrogramCluster a set of time series using hierarchical clustering
sits_distancesCalculate a set of distance measures for satellite image time...
sits_distance_tableCreate an empty distance table to store the results of...
sits_distance_table_from_dataCreate an empty distance table to store the results of...
sits_envelopeEnvelope filter
sits_exitConnectionExit a connection from SciDB chunk processing.
sits_formula_linearTrain SITS classifiction models
sits_formula_logrefTrain SITS classifiction models
sits_formula_smoothTrain SITS classifiction models
sits_fromCSVObtain timeSeries from WTSS server, based on a CSV file.
sits_fromGZObtain timeSeries from a compressed JSON file.
sits_fromJSONObtain timeSeries from a JSON file.
sits_fromlatlongObtain timeSeries from WTSS server based on a lat/long...
sits_fromSHPObtain timeSeries from WTSS server, based on a SHP file.
sits_fromtableObtain timeSeries from WTSS server, based on a SITS table.
sits_fromWTSSObtain one timeSeries from WTSS server and load it on a sits...
sits_gamCreate temporal patterns using a generalised additive model...
sits_gbmTrain SITS classifiction models with Gradient Boosting...
sits_getcovWTSSObtain information about one coverage of the WTSS service
sits_getdataObtain timeSeries from different sources
sits_glmTrain SITS classifiction models with Generalised Linear...
sits_group_bylatlongGroup different time series for the same lat/long coordinate
sits_infoWTSPSProvides information about WTSPS service
sits_infoWTSSProvides information about WTSS service
sits_interpInerpolation function of sits_table's time series
sits_kfKalman filter
sits_kfold_validateCross-validate temporal patterns
sits_kohonenCluster a set of satellite image time series using SOM
sits_labelsreturns the labels' count of a sits table
sits_labels_listSITS labels processing function
sits_labels_sampleSample a percentage of a time series
sits_ldaTrain SITS classifiction models with Linear Discriminant...
sits_linear_interpInerpolation function of sits_table's time series
sits_max_colorsBrewer color schemes
sits_mergeMerge two satellite image time series
sits_missing_valuesRemove missing values
sits_mlrTrain SITS classifiction models
sits_mutateAdd new SITS bands.
sits_patt_dendgamCreate time series patterns for classification
sits_patternsCreate time series patterns for classification
sits_plotPlot a set of time series
sits_plot_dendrogramPlot a dendrogram
sits_plot_titleBrewer color schemes
sits_predictPredict class based on the trained models
sits_prunePrunes dates of time series to fit an interval
sits_qdaTrain SITS classifiction models with Quadratic Discriminant...
sits_relabelrelabels a sits tibble
sits_renameRename bands of a sits table
sits_rforTrain SITS classifiction models
sits_runProcess_WTSPSRuns a process in the WTSPS service
sits_saveSave the contents of a SITS table in a JSON file
sits_selectFilter bands on a SITS table
sits_sgolaySmooth the time series using Savitsky-Golay filter (based on...
sits_smoothSmooth the time series using Whittaker smoother (based on PTW...
sits_spread_matchesSpread matches from a sits matches tibble
sits_stack_relabelRelabel raster stack object
sits_stack_transition_relabelRelabel raster stack based on temporal transitions
sits_statusProcess_WTSPSProvides information about a process running in the WTSPS...
sits_svmTrain SITS classifier with a Support Vector Machine
sits_tableCreate a sits table to store the time series information
sits_test_patternsEvaluates the accuracy of a set of patterns
sits_toJSONSave data in a JSON file
sits_tozooExport data to be used to the zoo format
sits_trainTrain SITS classification models
sits_transmuteAdd new SITS bands and drops existing.
sits_TS_distancesCalculate a set of distance measures for satellite image time...
sits_TWDTW_classifyClassify a sits tibble using the matches found by the TWDTW...
sits_TWDTW_distancesFind distance between a set of SITS patterns and segments of...
sits_TWDTW_dist_bandsFind distance between a set of SITS patterns and yearly time...
sits_TWDTW_matchesFind matches between a set of SITS patterns and segments of...
sits_valuesReturn the values of a given SITS table as a list of matrices...
sits_whittakerSmooth the time series using Whittaker smoother (based on PTW...
luizassis/sits documentation built on May 30, 2019, 7:15 p.m.