Man pages for lukerobert/luketools
Luke's personal utilities and tools

balance_byBalance a data.frame by a variable's values
extract_url_paramExtract parameters from a URL
file_to_sqlConvert a file to a SQL list
first_timeFind first or last time condition was met
fiscal_yearFiscal year of a date
fiscal_year_dayNumber of days since start of fiscal year
fiscal_year_quarterFiscal year and quarter
grapes-between-grapesCheck if elements are between two values
grapes-like-grapesMatch strings with SQL-like syntax
holiday_datesGet dates of holidays
list_to_sqlConvert an R vector to a SQL list
parallelizeParallelize the evaluation of an expression
pipePipe operator
pmeanCompute parallel means
pmedianCompute parallel medians
rollingRolling window computations
run_timePrint the time taken to run an expression
scale_zero_to_oneScale a vector to be between zero and one
stat_modeFind the mode of a vector
str_extract_groupExtract a single match group
submit_querySubmit a query over a connection
lukerobert/luketools documentation built on Jan. 24, 2020, 2:15 a.m.