

The materials required to reproduce our research are included in this repo.

# Quickstart
git clone
cd programming-questionnaire/
cp qualtrics.yml.template qualtrics.yml
# edit qualtrics.yml to enter your Qualtrics API token
make  # downloads all data and installs it in an R package called "programmingquestionnaire"

Required R packages

install.packages(c("tidyverse", "devtools", "qualtRics", "WikidataR", "RSQLite"))


The survey was created in Qualtrics. In order to obtain the survey data, you must have a Qualtrics account, and have access to the survey. Once you have an account and have access to the survey, you can download the survey data from within R by authenticating your identity with your Qualtrics API key.


After obtaining your Qualtrics API key, place it in a file named "qualtrics.yml" in the project root directory (e.g., "programming-questionnaire/qualtrics.yml"). To create the qualtrics.yml file from a template, copy the file "qualtrics.yml.template" to the expected location. Then edit the file, replacing YOUR_API_TOKEN_HERE with your Qualtrics API key.

cp qualtrics.yml.template qualtrics.yml
# edit qualtrics.yml to replace YOUR_API_TOKEN_HERE with your Qualtrics API token.

Downloading the data from Qualtrics

To download the survey data from Qualtrics, source the functions in "R/qualtrics.R". This gives you the two primary functions, get_qualtrics_responses and get_qualtrics_questions. The argument to these functions is the name of the Qualtrics survey being downloaded.

Note: The R package qualtRics is required for downloading the data.

authenticate_qualtrics()  # authenticates with qualtrics.yml
qualtrics <- get_qualtrics_responses("programming questionnaire")
questions <- get_qualtrics_questions("programming questionnaire")


Meta-data on programming languages was collected from the Wikidata service.

Note: The R package "WikidataR" is required for downloading language info.

languages <- c("python", "java", "go")
paradigms <- get_programming_paradigms(languages)

Graph data

The relationships between languages and programming paradigms lends itself nicely to graph-based analysis. To load the languages and their paradigms collected from Wikidata into a graph database, follow the steps below which are required to run the "bin/load-neo4j.R" script.

brew install neo4j  # install the Neo4j graph database with homebrew
neo4j start         # start the db, open a browser to localhost:7474, and set a password
export NEO4J_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword
bin/load-neo4j.R    # load language data in the graph db

StackOverflow Developer Survey

The results of the annual StackOverflow Developer Survey can be downloaded from here:

After the results have been downloaded, move them into the expected directory:

mv ~/Downloads/ ./data-raw/
unzip ./data-raw/ -d ./data-raw/stack-overflow-developer-survey-2017

SQLite Database

The data were processed to yield the following tables. To create all tables and store them in a SQLite DB, run the "make" command. See the Makefile for more targets of the "make" command.

Note: The R package "RSQLite" is required for storing the data in a SQLite DB.

make programming-questionnaire.sqlite  # creates "programming-questionnaire.sqlite" with all tables


qualtrics : Raw responses in wide format as if downloaded directly from Qualtrics.

questions : Survey question data as obtained from the Qualtrics API.

responses : Response data in long format.

languages : Programming languages represented in the the sample.

questionnaire : Responses to agreement and free response questions in wide format.

language_paradigms : Information about programming languages taken from Wikipedia.

Reading tables from the SQLite DB

Examples of how to read tables in from a SQLite DB in both R and python are included below.

# in R
con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "programming-questionnaire.sqlite")
table_name <- "responses"
responses <- tbl(con, table_name) %>% collect()
# in python3
import sqlite3
import pandas
con = sqlite3.connect("programming-questionnaire.sqlite")
table_name = 'responses'
responses <- pandas.read_sql_query(f'select * from {table_name}', con)

SQLite wrapper functions are stored in "R/sqlite.R".

responses <- collect_table("responses")  # expects "programming-questionnaire.sqlite" to exist

Installing the R package from a sqlite database

The commands for unpacking the sqlite database, compiling the *.rda files, and installing it as an R package are stored in R scripts in the "bin/" directory. First, make sure the required packages are installed.

install.packages(c("tidyverse", "devtools", "RSQLite"))

Then run the commands in these three R scripts.

Rscript bin/unpack-sqlite.R
Rscript bin/compile-rda.R
Rscript bin/install-r-package.R

Now you can load the programmingquestionnaire R package, and view and load specific datasets.

help(package = "programmingquestionnaire")  # view datasets
data("responses")                           # load "responses" data

lupyanlab/programming-questionnaire documentation built on May 25, 2019, 9:33 p.m.