Man pages for luukvdmeer/sfnetworks
Tidy Geospatial Networks

as.linnetConvert a sfnetwork into a linnet
as_s2_geographyExtract the geometries of a sfnetwork as a S2 geography...
as_sfnetworkConvert a foreign object to a sfnetwork
as_tibbleExtract the active element of a sfnetwork as spatial tibble
autoplotPlot sfnetwork geometries with ggplot2
bind_spatialAdd nodes or edges to a spatial network.
contract_nodesContract groups of nodes in a spatial network
create_from_spatial_linesCreate a spatial network from linestring geometries
create_from_spatial_pointsCreate a spatial network from point geometries
dataExtract the node or edge data from a spatial network
dual_weightsSpecify dual edge weights
evaluate_edge_queryQuery specific edge indices from a spatial network
evaluate_node_queryQuery specific node indices from a spatial network
evaluate_weight_specSpecify edge weights in a spatial network
group_spatialGroup nodes based on spatial distance
idsExtract all node or edge indices from a spatial network
is_sfnetworkCheck if an object is a sfnetwork
make_edges_directedConvert undirected edges into directed edges based on their...
make_edges_explicitConstruct edge geometries for spatially implicit networks
make_edges_follow_indicesMatch the direction of edge geometries to their specified...
make_edges_implicitDrop edge geometries of spatially explicit networks
make_edges_mixedMake some edges directed and some undirected
make_edges_validMatch edge geometries to their incident node locations
mozartPoint locations for places about W. A. Mozart in Salzburg,...
nCount the number of nodes or edges in a network
nbConversion between neighbor lists and sfnetworks
nearestExtract the nearest nodes or edges to given spatial features
nearest_idsExtract the indices of nearest nodes or edges to given...
node_coordinatesQuery node coordinates
play_spatialCreate random spatial networks
plot.sfnetworkPlot the geometries of a sfnetwork
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
roxelRoad network of Münster Roxel
sf_attrQuery sf attributes from the active element of a sfnetwork
sf_methodssf methods for sfnetworks
sfnetworkCreate a sfnetwork
sfnetworks-packagesfnetworks: Tidy Geospatial Networks
sfnetwork_to_dodgrConversion between dodgr streetnets and sfnetworks
simplify_networkSimplify a spatial network
smooth_pseudo_nodesSmooth pseudo nodes
spatial_centralityCompute spatial centrality measures
spatial_edge_measuresQuery spatial edge measures
spatial_edge_predicatesQuery edges with spatial predicates
spatial_morphersMorph spatial networks into a different structure
spatial_node_predicatesQuery nodes with spatial predicates
spatial_node_typesQuery spatial node types
st_duplicatedDetermine duplicated geometries
st_matchGeometry matching
st_network_bboxCompute the bounding box of a spatial network
st_network_blendBlend spatial points into a spatial network
st_network_costCompute a cost matrix of a spatial network
st_network_facesExtract the faces of a spatial network
st_network_isoCompute isolines around nodes in a spatial network
st_network_joinJoin two spatial networks based on equality of node...
st_network_pathsFind shortest paths between nodes in a spatial network
st_network_travelFind the optimal route through a set of nodes in a spatial...
st_project_on_networkProject spatial points on a spatial network
st_roundRounding of geometry coordinates
subdivide_edgesSubdivide edges at interior points
tidygraph_methodstidygraph methods for sfnetworks
validate_networkValidate the structure of a sfnetwork
wrap_igraphRun an igraph function on an sfnetwork object
luukvdmeer/sfnetworks documentation built on Jan. 1, 2025, 5:30 a.m.