smooth_pseudo_nodes: Smooth pseudo nodes

View source: R/smooth.R

smooth_pseudo_nodesR Documentation

Smooth pseudo nodes


Construct a smoothed version of the network by iteratively removing pseudo nodes, while preserving the connectivity of the network. In the case of directed networks, pseudo nodes are those nodes that have only one incoming and one outgoing edge. In undirected networks, pseudo nodes are those nodes that have two incident edges. Equality of attribute values among the two edges can be defined as an additional requirement by setting the require_equal parameter. Connectivity of the network is preserved by concatenating the incident edges of each removed pseudo node.


  protect = NULL,
  require_equal = NULL,
  attribute_summary = "ignore",
  store_original_ids = FALSE,
  store_original_data = FALSE



An object of class sfnetwork.


An integer vector of edge indices specifying which nodes should be protected from being removed. Defaults to NULL, meaning that none of the nodes is protected.


A character vector of edge column names specifying which attributes of the incident edges of a pseudo node should be equal in order for the pseudo node to be removed? Defaults to NULL, meaning that attribute equality is not considered for pseudo node removal.


How should the attributes of concatenated edges be summarized? There are several options, see igraph-attribute-combination for details.


For each concatenated edge, should the indices of the original edges be stored as an attribute of the new edge, in a column named .tidygraph_edge_index? This is in line with the design principles of tidygraph. Defaults to FALSE.


For each concatenated edge, should the data of the original edges be stored as an attribute of the new edge, in a column named .orig_data? This is in line with the design principles of tidygraph. Defaults to FALSE.


The smoothed network as object of class sfnetwork.

luukvdmeer/sfnetworks documentation built on Jan. 1, 2025, 5:30 a.m.