Man pages for lwjohnst86/PROMISE.scrub
Scrub the PROMISE dataset

add_visit_countAdd a visit counter to the raw data file.
average_variablesAverage variables that have two or more measurements.
combine_datasetsCombine multiple datasets together into one, merged dataset....
convert_to_dateConvert a date variable into another format (e.g. ISO...
drop_empty_rowsDrops rows that are completely empty (excluding SID, etc).
drop_na_variablesDrop the variables named 'NA' from the raw dataset.
export_dataExport a dataset into another format (Rds, csv, or as a...
extract_vnExtract the VN information from the Visit column (e.g. that...
fix_dateFix with with any date variable.
import_csvGeneral function; import raw csv datafile into R.
import_csv_multipleGeneral function; imports multiple raw data files based on a...
join_data_listMerge together a list of dataframes by SID into a single...
multiple_filesGet a vector of files with the full path for a given regular...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rename_variablesRename the raw dataset variable names based on the yaml...
scr_duplicatesFix any duplicates by dropping them.
spread_over_visitsSpread a variable values from one visit date to the next.
lwjohnst86/PROMISE.scrub documentation built on May 21, 2019, 9:01 a.m.