Man pages for m-Py/DOTA2
Discrete option test analysis

accuracy_dDetermine accuracy d'
ciCompute the half confidence interval of a vector
ci95Compute the half of the 95% confidence interval of a vector
criterion_cDetermine response criterion c by option position per...
domc_analyticalProbability that a DOMC item is solved correctly given...
DOTA2-packageThe DOTA2 Package
error_barDraw an error bar to a plot
estimateAccuracyEstimate accuracy for a given solving probability
get_response_tableCreates a table in long format representing the test response...
mc_analyticalProbability that a MC item is solved correctly given...
plot_criterionPlot the response criterion by option position, possibly...
plot_morbistPlot the parameters characterizing the MORBIST model
seCompute standard error
simulate_morbistSimulate test responses in the MORBIST model
m-Py/DOTA2 documentation built on May 19, 2019, 3 a.m.