Man pages for m-Py/prmisc
Printing statistical results in R markdown

decimals_onlyPrinting a specified number of decimals and ignore leading...
force_decimalsForce printing a specified number of decimals for a number
force_or_cutPrint a number having a specified number of digits or as...
format_pFormat a p-value according to APA standards
print_anovaPrint the results of an 'afex' ANOVA
print_chi2Print the results of a chi-square test
print_cortestPrinting the results of a significance test for a correlation...
print_mean_sdPrint mean and standard deviation
print_ttestPrint the results of a t-test
print_wilcoxon_rsPrint the results of a Wilcoxon rank sum test (Mann-Whitney-U...
prmisc-packageThe prmisc Package
m-Py/prmisc documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 1:20 a.m.