The SocEpi package was developed social epidemiological analysis of small area data on health outcomes. The core functions calculate standardised rates, SMR and measures of health inequality (SII/RII) for different age groups. It also provides tools for developing deprivation measures that are frequently used to study health inequalities.


Other packages

There are a few other packages for demographic and epidemiological analysis.

I used the search phrases "public health", "health inequalities", "social epidemiology", "epidemiology", "demography", "mortality rate", "mortality" on Metacran and crantastic!

I also used the sos package search.

I looked at the downloads using package dlstats


x <- cran_stats(c("popEpi", "epiR", "Epi", "epitools"))

ggplot(x, aes(end, downloads, group=package, color=package)) +
    geom_line() + geom_point(aes(shape=package))

Function rate in package popEpi will provide standardized rates and the rates can be calculated for one or more different goups (e.g. by area deprivation and/or sex). The standardization is done across all age groups and different data and weights need to be provided if standardization for specifc subset of age groups is needed.

m-allik/SocEpi documentation built on May 23, 2020, 8:02 p.m.