m-clark/NineteenEightyR: 198R

R with its collar flipped, or the movie Drive if it was all about R programming, writing R code on a beach in Miami as the sun sets, R wearing sunglasses at night, driving down Mulholland Dr. at night thinking about R code, R asking you to take it home tonight because it doesn't want to let you go until you see the light, Countach > Testarrosa, but Delorean > all except R, R if Automan had lasted longer than 1 season, R playing a cello at the end of a dock on a lake before taking a ride in a badass helicopter, R with its hair all done up with Aquanet.

Getting started

Package details

MaintainerBueller... Bueller... Ferris... Anyone?! <sonny@crockett.net>
LicenseWhatever makes the most money, because greed is good.
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
m-clark/NineteenEightyR documentation built on Dec. 7, 2020, 8:51 a.m.