# Run mgcv models ---------------------------------------------------------
# library(mgcv)
# gam_1 = gam(Reaction ~ Days + s(Subject, bs = 're'),
# data = lme4::sleepstudy,
# method = 'REML')
# gam_2 = gam(
# Reaction ~ Days +
# s(Subject, bs = 're') +
# s(Days, Subject, bs = 're'),
# data = lme4::sleepstudy,
# method = 'REML'
# )
# gam_3 <- gam(
# y ~ service +
# s(s, bs = 're') +
# s(dept, bs = 're'),
# method = 'REML',
# data = lme4::InstEval[1:1000, ]
# )
# # bam objects are very large to save even for small models
# bam_1 = bam(
# y ~ service +
# s(d, bs = 're') +
# s(dept, bs = 're'),
# data = lme4::InstEval[1:1000, ],
# nthreads = 10
# )
# ## TODO: glm
# save(
# gam_1,
# gam_2,
# gam_3,
# bam_1,
# file = 'tests/testthat/mgcv_results.RData'
# )
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