
Defines functions question_get_choice_labels question_get_question_label question_is_numeric question_is_select_one question_is_select_multiple question_is_sm_choice question_is_categorical is_questionnaire_loaded question_in_questionnaire question_is_skipped question_get_choice_labels_internal question_get_question_label_internal question_is_numeric_internal question_is_select_one_internal question_is_select_multiple_internal question_is_sm_choice_internal question_is_categorical_internal is_questionnaire_loaded_internal question_in_questionnaire_internal question_is_skipped_internal

Documented in is_questionnaire_loaded question_get_choice_labels question_get_question_label question_in_questionnaire question_is_categorical question_is_numeric question_is_select_multiple question_is_select_one question_is_skipped question_is_sm_choice

#' what is this?
#' This package is using a specific kind of closures
#' The factory is defined, but also the produced functions are *defined* and *documented* as part of the package.
#' That allows us to make functions available once data is loaded, but still provide defaults for those functions and document them with vingnettes
#' They consist of three parts:
#' 1. The exported function; it calls an internal function that is not exported and therefore editable by the factory
#' 2. A default for the internal function; usually throws and error or does some simple default behaviour
#' 3. A factory; the factory fills the internal function with it's main code once the factory is called.
#' Here we define 1. and 2.
#' All of the closures here are fabricated by load_questionnaire().

# suppress notes on global variables. 'questionnaire' is in the parent environment of a closure.
. <- NULL


#' Convert kobo xml choice names to labels
#' Uses a loaded kobo questionnaire to get the labels of select_one and select_multiple type questions.
#' @param responses A vector of responses in kobo xml name format
#' @param variable.name The xml name of a kobo question. (as it appears in the kobo questionnaire and subsequently in the data column headers)
#' Should be a question of type 'select_one' or 'select_multiple'.
#' @return A vector of strings with labels corresponding to the choices supplied in \code{responses}.
#' @details To use this you must first successfully run \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}.
#' If conversion of a value in \code{responses} fails, the original input value is returned. This happens in the following cases:
#'   \item No questionnaire has been loaded with \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}
#'   \item \code{variable.name} could not be found in the questionnaire, or in the data that was supplied to \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}
#'   \item A value in \code{responses} is not listed in the loaded questionnaire
#'   \item \code{variable.name} is not listed as a question of type 'select_one' or 'select_multiple' in the questionnaire.
#' }
#' This does not work for concatenated responses of 'select_multiple' questions (e.g. strings of the form "choice_a choice_b"); The \code{responses} should have only a single response per element.
#' @seealso  \code{\link{load_questionnaire}} must be run first. The equivalent of this but for question labels is \code{\link{question_get_question_label}},
#' @export
#' @examples
#' question_get_choice_labels(mydata$location, "location")

#' Convert kobo xml question names to labels
#' Uses a loaded kobo questionnaire to get the label corresponding to a question xml name / data column headers.
#' @param question.name The xml name of a kobo question as a string. (as it appears in the kobo questionnaire and subsequently in the data column headers)
#' @return A string with the kobo label of the question / data column header
#' @details To use this you must first successfully run \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}.
#' If conversion to label fails, the original input value is returned. This happens in the following cases:
#'   \item No questionnaire has been loaded with \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}
#'   \item \code{question.name} could not be found in the questionnaire, or in the data that was supplied to \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}
#' }
#' @seealso  \code{\link{load_questionnaire}} must be run first. The equivalent of this but for choice labels is \code{\link{question_get_choice_labels}},
#' @export
#' @examples
#' question_get_question_label("a_variable_name")
  question_get_question_label_internal(question.name) }

#' Determine if a kobo question is of type 'numeric'
#' Uses a loaded kobo questionnaire to look up the question type for a given question.
#' @param question.name The xml name of a kobo question as a string. (as it appears in the kobo questionnaire and subsequently in the data column headers)
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the question is listed as a numeric type in the questionnaire. \code{FALSE} if the question is listed as a different type. \code{FALSE} if the question type could not be determined from the questionnaire.
#' @details To use this you must first successfully run \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}.
#' This does not derive the data type from any actual data; it only looks up the type defined in the questionnaire.
#' If type identification fails, the default return value is \code{FALSE}.This happens in the following cases:
#'   \item No questionnaire has been loaded with \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}
#'   \item \code{question.name} could not be found in the questionnaire, or in the data that was supplied to \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}
#' }
#' @seealso  \code{\link{load_questionnaire}} must be run first.
#' Use \code{\link{question_type}} for the most generalised way to guess the data type.
#' Part of the \code{question_is_*} family of functions:
#' testing for specific types:
#' \code{\link{question_is_numeric}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_categorical}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_select_one}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_select_multiple}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_sm_choice}}
#' parsing kobo skip-logic:
#' \code{\link{question_is_skipped}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' question_is_numeric("some_numeric_kobo_xml_question_name") # TRUE
#' question_is_numeric("some_categorical_kobo_xml_question_name") # FALSE
#' question_is_numeric("some_unidentified_string") # FALSE
  question_is_numeric_internal(question.name) }

#' Determine if a kobo question is of type 'select_one'
#' Uses a loaded kobo questionnaire to look up the question type for a given question.
#' @param question.name The xml name of a kobo question as a string. (as it appears in the kobo questionnaire and subsequently in the data column headers)
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the question is listed as a select_one type in the questionnaire. \code{FALSE} if the question is listed as a different type. \code{FALSE} if the question type could not be determined from the questionnaire.
#' @details To use this you must first successfully run \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}.
#' This does not derive the data type from any actual data; it only looks up the type defined in the questionnaire.
#' If type identification fails, the default return value is \code{FALSE}.This happens in the following cases:
#'   \item No questionnaire has been loaded with \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}
#'   \item \code{question.name} could not be found in the questionnaire, or in the data that was supplied to \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}
#' }
#' @seealso  \code{\link{load_questionnaire}} must be run first.
#' Use \code{\link{question_type}} for the most generalised way to guess the data type.
#' Part of the \code{question_is_*} family of functions:
#' testing for specific types:
#' \code{\link{question_is_numeric}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_categorical}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_select_one}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_select_multiple}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_sm_choice}}
#' parsing kobo skip-logic:
#' \code{\link{question_is_skipped}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' question_is_select_one("some_numeric_kobo_xml_question_name") # FALSE
#' question_is_select_one("a_select_one_kobo_xml_question_name") # TRUE
#' question_is_select_one("a_select_multiple_kobo_xml_question_name") # FALSE
#' question_is_numeric("some_unidentified_string") # FALSE

#' Determine if a kobo question is of type 'select_multiple'
#' Uses a loaded kobo questionnaire to look up the question type for a given question.
#' @param question.name The xml name of a kobo question as a string. (as it appears in the kobo questionnaire and subsequently in the data column headers)
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the question is listed as a select_multiple type in the questionnaire. \code{FALSE} if the question is listed as a different type. \code{FALSE} if the question type could not be determined from the questionnaire.
#' @details To use this you must first successfully run \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}.
#' This does not derive the data type from any actual data; it only looks up the type defined in the questionnaire.
#' If type identification fails, the default return value is \code{FALSE}.This happens in the following cases:
#'   \item No questionnaire has been loaded with \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}
#'   \item \code{question.name} could not be found in the questionnaire, or in the data that was supplied to \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}
#' }
#' @seealso  \code{\link{load_questionnaire}} must be run first.
#' Use \code{\link{question_type}} for the most generalised way to guess the data type.
#' Part of the \code{question_is_*} family of functions:
#' testing for specific types:
#' \code{\link{question_is_numeric}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_categorical}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_select_one}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_select_multiple}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_sm_choice}}
#' parsing kobo skip-logic:
#' \code{\link{question_is_skipped}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' question_is_select_multiple("some_numeric_kobo_xml_question_name") # FALSE
#' question_is_select_multiple("a_select_multiple_kobo_xml_question_name") # TRUE
#' question_is_select_multiple("a_select_one_kobo_xml_question_name") # FALSE
#' question_is_numeric("some_unidentified_string") # FALSE

#' Determine if a data column header is a logical choice column of a select_multiple question
#' @param question.name The xml name of a kobo question as a string. (as it appears in the kobo questionnaire and subsequently in the data column headers)
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the question is listed as a logical column relating to a select_multiple type question in the questionnaire.
#'  \code{FALSE} if it isn't. \code{FALSE} if this could not be determined from the questionnaire.
#' @details To use this you must first successfully run \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}.
#' This does not derive the data type from any actual data; it only looks up the type defined in the questionnaire.
#' If type identification fails, the default return value is \code{FALSE}.This happens in the following cases:
#'   \item No questionnaire has been loaded with \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}
#'   \item \code{question.name} could not be found in the questionnaire, or in the data that was supplied to \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}
#' }
#' @seealso  \code{\link{load_questionnaire}} must be run first.
#' Use \code{\link{question_type}} for the most generalised way to guess the data type.
#' Part of the \code{question_is_*} family of functions:
#' testing for specific types:
#' \code{\link{question_is_numeric}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_categorical}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_select_one}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_select_multiple}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_sm_choice}}
#' parsing kobo skip-logic:
#' \code{\link{question_is_skipped}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' question_is_sm_choice("a_select_multiple_question_name.a_choice_name") # TRUE
#' question_is_sm_choice("a_question_name") # FALSE
#' question_is_sm_choice("a_select_one_question_name") # FALSE
#' question_is_sm_choice("some_unidentified_string") # FALSE

#' Determine if a kobo question is categorical
#' Uses a loaded kobo questionnaire to look up the question type for a given question; returns true for select_one or select_multiple
#' @param question.name The xml name of a kobo question as a string. (as it appears in the kobo questionnaire and subsequently in the data column headers)
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the question is listed as a select_one or select_multiple type in the questionnaire. \code{FALSE} if the question is listed as a different type. \code{FALSE} if the question type could not be determined from the questionnaire.
#' @details To use this you must first successfully run \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}.
#' This does not derive the data type from any actual data; it only looks up the type defined in the questionnaire.
#' If type identification fails, the default return value is \code{FALSE}.This happens in the following cases:
#'   \item No questionnaire has been loaded with \code{\link[koboquest]{load_questionnaire}}
#'   \item \code{question.name} could not be found in the questionnaire, or in the data that was supplied to \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}
#' }
#' @seealso  \code{\link{load_questionnaire}} must be run first.
#' Use \code{\link{question_type}} for the most generalised way to guess the data type.
#' Part of the \code{question_is_*} family of functions:
#' testing for specific types:
#' \code{\link{question_is_numeric}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_categorical}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_select_one}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_select_multiple}},
#' \code{\link{question_is_sm_choice}}
#' parsing kobo skip-logic:
#' \code{\link{question_is_skipped}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' question_is_categorical("some_numeric_kobo_xml_question_name") # FALSE
#' question_is_categorical("a_select_one_kobo_xml_question_name") # TRUE
#' question_is_categorical("a_select_multiple_kobo_xml_question_name") # TRUE
#' question_is_categorical("some_unidentified_string") # FALSE
  question_is_categorical_internal(question.name) }

#' Determine if a questionnarie has been loaded
#' Checks if a questionnaire has been loaded into the global space with \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}
#' @return \code{TRUE} if \code{\link{load_questionnaire}} has been called successfully.
#' @seealso  \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' is_questionnaire_loaded()

#' Determine if a question name can be found in the loaded questionnaire
#' @param question.name The xml name of a (potential) kobo question as a string.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the question is listed in the loaded questionnaire. \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @export
question_in_questionnaire <- function(question.name){

#' Determine if a variables records were skipped in the questionnaire
#' Uses a loaded kobo questionnaire and a dataset to determine which records have been skipped for a particular variable.
#' @param data The dataset as a data.frame in standard kobo format, with the column headers matching the question names.
#' @param question.name The xml name of a kobo question as a string. (as it appears in the kobo questionnaire and subsequently in the data column headers)
#' @return a logical vector with one value per row in \code{data}. \code{TRUE} if a record was skipped, \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @details To use this you must first successfully run \code{\link{load_questionnaire}}. If for any reason skiplogic could not be determined, it returns \code{FALSE} for all records (with a warning).
#' @seealso  \code{\link{load_questionnaire}} should be run first.
#' @examples
#' mydata<-lo
#' question_is_skipped("kobo_xml_question_name",mydata)
question_is_skipped<-function(data, question.name){
  question_is_skipped_internal(data, question.name)


  stop("you must successfully run load_questionnaire() first")


  stop("you must successfully run load_questionnaire() first")

  stop("you must successfully run load_questionnaire() first")

  stop("you must successfully run load_questionnaire() first")

  stop("you must successfully run load_questionnaire() first")


  stop("you must successfully run load_questionnaire() first")


  stop("you must successfully run load_questionnaire() first")


question_in_questionnaire_internal <- function(question.name){return(FALSE)}

question_is_skipped_internal<-function(data, variable.name){
  warning("questionnaire not loaded. Assuming not skipped for all.")
mabafaba/koboquest documentation built on Aug. 15, 2019, 6:12 p.m.