pgGetGeomQ: Load geometries from a full query and return a Spatial*...

View source: R/pgGetGeom.R

pgGetGeomQR Documentation

Load geometries from a full query and return a Spatial* object


Load geometries from a full query and return a Spatial* object


pgGetGeomQ(conn, query, name = NULL, ...)



character, a full SQL query including a geometry column.


optional character string specifying a PostgreSQL schema and view name (e.g., name = c("schema","view")) to save the query as. If NULL, a temporary view ".rpostgis_TEMPview" is used temporarily (only within the function scope).


For pgGetGeomQ, other arguments as in pgGetGeom

mablab/rpostgis documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 7:35 p.m.