rpostgisLT: Integration of ltraj (adehabitatLT) and pgtraj (PostGIS).

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The 'rpostgisLT' package develops the integration of R and PostGIS for managing movement trajectories. The focus is on streamlining the workflow for biologists to store and process animal trajectories in PostGIS and analyze them in R, thus utilizing the strengths of both software. The package relies on 'ltraj' objects from the R package 'adehabitatLT', and provides the analogous 'pgtraj' data structure in PostGIS, with all functions to create and manage 'pgtraj' data, and convert from and to both format ('pgtraj' in PostGIS, 'ltraj' in R). For a list of documented functions, use library(help = "rpostgisLT")


Balázs Dukai balazs.dukai@gmail.com

mablab/rpostgisLT documentation built on May 10, 2020, 9:35 a.m.