RDN-package: RDN: Reliability Density Neighborhood for Applicability...

Description Details References


The RDN package provides a straightforward way of computing a QSAR model's applicability domain (AD), being currently only applicable for classification models. This method scans the chemical space, starting from the locations of training instances, taking into account local density, and local bias and precision. After the chemical space has been mapped, the established RDN AD can be used to sort new (external) predictions according to their reliability. Even though the RDN mapping is calculated using getRDN, the different tasks that this entails are separately available through the remaining functions in the package, which are listed below. However, Despite being available for use functions should ideally not be called isolated, and the user should use getRDN directly instead.


The AD will be established according to the following workflow:

This workflow is fully automated in getRDN which runs these steps iteratively for a range of k values, which allows scanning chemical space from the near vicinity around training instances outwards. The full details on the theoretical background of this algorithm are available in the literature.[1]


[1] N Aniceto, AA Freitas, et al. A Novel Applicability Domain Technique for Mapping Predictive Reliability Accross the Chemical Space of a QSAR: Reliability-Density Neighbourhood. J Cheminf. 2016. Submitted.

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