
Defines functions luz_callback_bert_tokenize

Documented in luz_callback_bert_tokenize

# Copyright 2022 Bedford Freeman & Worth Pub Grp LLC DBA Macmillan Learning.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' BERT Tokenization Callback
#' Data used in pretrained BERT models must be tokenized in the way the model
#' expects. This `luz_callback` checks that the incoming data is tokenized
#' properly, and triggers tokenization if necessary. This function should be
#' passed to [luz::fit.luz_module_generator()] or
#' [luz::predict.luz_module_fitted()] via the `callbacks` argument, not called
#' directly.
#' @param submodel_name An optional character scalar identifying a model inside
#'   the main [torch::nn_module()] that was built using
#'   [model_bert_pretrained()]. See `vignette("entailment")` for an example of a
#'   model with a submodel.
#' @param n_tokens An optional integer scalar indicating the number of tokens to
#'   which the data should be tokenized. If present it must be equal to or less
#'   than the `max_tokens` allowed by the pretrained model.
#' @param verbose A logical scalar indicating whether the callback should report
#'   its progress (default `TRUE`).
#' @examples
#' if (rlang::is_installed("luz")) {
#'   luz_callback_bert_tokenize()
#'   luz_callback_bert_tokenize(n_tokens = 32L)
#' }
#' @export
luz_callback_bert_tokenize <- function(submodel_name = NULL,
                                       n_tokens = NULL,
                                       verbose = TRUE) {

  # Keep this inside of the function so installation doesn't fail if they don't
  # have luz. I'm intentionally not documenting the methods in the man page for
  # this function because users should never call any of them (but I added a
  # note about that fact).

  ## generator -----------------------------------------------------------------
  luz_callback_bert_tokenize_generator <- luz::luz_callback(

    ### initialize -------------------------------------------------------------
    ### All that happens during initialization is copying the arguments into
    ### self.
    initialize = function(submodel_name = NULL,
                          n_tokens = NULL,
                          verbose = TRUE) {
      self$submodel_name <- submodel_name
      self$n_tokens <- n_tokens
      self$verbose <- verbose

    ### on_fit_begin -----------------------------------------------------------
    ### This method is called by luz::fit.luz_module_generator when the fitting
    ### procedure begins. That procedure "owns" the ctx object, and uses it to
    ### pass information around to the various pieces of luz.
    on_fit_begin = function() {
      # The specific ctx fields we want are model, train_data, and valid_data.
      # Make sure that those datasets are tokenized to match this model.
      model <- ctx$model

      # Most likely either submodel_name will be NULL, or it will be one layer
      # down from there, often named "bert".
      if (!is.null(self$submodel_name)) {
        model <- model[[self$submodel_name]]

      .maybe_alert(self$verbose, "Confirming train_data tokenization.")

      .check_tokenization(ctx$train_data, model, self$n_tokens)

      # Repeat for valid_data. If valid_data is auto-subsetted using luz, this
      # will have already happened, but we still check in case the user manually
      # supplied valid_data and the tokenization is wrong.
      if(length(ctx$valid_data)) { # nocov start
        .maybe_alert(self$verbose, "Confirming valid_data tokenization.")
        .check_tokenization(ctx$valid_data, model, self$n_tokens)
      } # nocov end
    ### on_predict_begin -------------------------------------------------------
    ### This method is called by luz::predict.luz_module_fitted when the
    ### prediction begins. As above, that procedure "owns" the ctx object, and
    ### uses it to pass information around to the various pieces of luz.
    on_predict_begin = function() {
      # The specific ctx fields we want are model and data in this case. Make
      # sure that that dataset is tokenized to match this model.
      model <- ctx$model
      if (!is.null(self$submodel_name)) {
        model <- model[[self$submodel_name]]

      .maybe_alert(self$verbose, "Confirming prediction data tokenization.")
      .check_tokenization(ctx$data, model, self$n_tokens)

    ### end generator ----------------------------------------------------------

  ## return --------------------------------------------------------------------
macmillancontentscience/torchtransformers documentation built on Aug. 6, 2023, 5:35 a.m.