
# # Function to get species IUCN species code
# # Used inside lets.iucn functions
# # Bruno Vilela
# .getcode <- function(input) {
#   binomialerror <- length(unlist(strsplit(input, " "))) == 2
#   input <- gsub(as.matrix(input), pattern = " ", replacement = "-")
#   h <- try(htmlParse(paste("https://api.iucnredlist.org/go/",
#                            input, sep = "")),
#            silent = TRUE)
#   if (class(h)[1] != "try-error" & binomialerror) {
#     b <- try(xpathSApply(h, '//div', xmlValue), silent = TRUE)[1]
#     c <- as.numeric(gsub("\\D", "", b))
#     # Subsecies control
#     http <- "https://www.iucnredlist.org/details/summary/"
#     h1 <- htmlParse(paste(http, c, "/0", sep = ""))
#     links <- xpathSApply(h1, "//a/@href")
#     links <- strsplit(links, "\n")
#     parents <- xpathSApply(h1, "//a")
#     # function to transform xml in character list
#     tocharacter <- function(x) {
#       do.call(paste, as.list(capture.output(x)))
#     }
#     parents2 <- sapply(parents, tocharacter)
#     #menos <- length(parents2) - length(links)
#     posParent <- grep("_parent", parents2)
#     if (length(posParent) == 1) {
#       #cpar <- gsub("\\D", "", (links[posParent - menos]))
#       cpar <- gsub("\\D", "", (parents2[posParent]))
#       c <- as.numeric(substr(cpar, 1, nchar(cpar) - 1))
#     }
#     ################################################
#     return(c)
#   } else {
#     return(NULL)
#   }
# }
macroecology/letsR documentation built on April 29, 2024, 1:31 p.m.