
Defines functions lets.shFilter

Documented in lets.shFilter

#' Filter species' shapefiles based on its presence, origin, and season
#' @author Bruno Vilela
#' @description Filter species shapefiles by origin, presence, and seasonal type
#'   (following IUCN types:
#'   \url{https://www.iucnredlist.org/resources/spatial-data-download}, see
#'   metadata).
#' @inheritParams lets.presab
#' @return The result is the shapefile(s) filtered according to the selected
#'   types. If the filters remove all polygons, the result will be NULL.
#' @details Presence codes: (1) Extant, (2) Probably Extant, (3) Possibly
#'   Extant, (4) Possibly Extinct, (5) Extinct (post 1500) & (6) Presence
#'   Uncertain.
#'   Origin codes: (1) Native, (2) Reintroduced, (3) Introduced, (4) Vagrant &
#'   (5) Origin Uncertain.
#'   Seasonal codes: (1) Resident, (2) Breeding Season, (3) Non-breeding Season,
#'   (4) Passage & (5) Seasonal Occurrence Uncertain.
#'   More info in the shapefiles' metadata.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.PresenceAbsence}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{lets.presab}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{lets.presab.birds}}
#' @import terra
#' @import sf
#' @export

lets.shFilter <- function(shapes, 
                          presence = NULL,
                          origin = NULL,
                          seasonal = NULL) {
  shapes <- .check_shape(shapes)
  # No filtering applied control
  if (is.null(presence) & is.null(origin) & is.null(seasonal)) {
  } else {
    # Upper case shapes names     
    names(shapes) <- toupper(names(shapes))
    # Presence filter
    if (!is.null(presence)) {
      pos <- shapes$PRESENCE %in% presence
      if (length(pos) > 0) {
        shapes <- shapes[pos, ]
      } else {
        shapes <-  NULL
    # Origin filter
    if (!is.null(origin)) {
      pos2 <- shapes$ORIGIN %in% origin
      if (length(pos2) > 0) {
        shapes <- shapes[pos2, ]
      } else {
        shapes <- NULL
    # Seasonal filter
    if (!is.null(seasonal)) {
      pos3 <- shapes$SEASONAL %in% seasonal
      if (length(pos3) > 0) {
        shapes <- shapes[pos3, ]
      } else {
        shapes <- NULL
macroecology/letsR documentation built on April 29, 2024, 1:31 p.m.