```{js, echo=FALSE} $('.title').css('color', 'darkred')

# Demonstration of googleVis

It may take a little while to load all charts. Please be patient.
All charts require an Internet connection.

These examples are taken from the googleVis demo. 
You can execute the demo via

For more details about the charts and further examples see the help files of the individual googleVis function and review the Google Charts API documentation and Terms of Service.

Line chart

op <- options(gvis.plot.tag='chart')
read_demo('googleVis', 'googleVis')

Line chart with two axis

Bar chart

Column chart

Area chart

Stepped Area chart

Combo chart

Scatter chart

Bubble chart

Customizing Lines

Customizing points

Add edit button for on the fly customisation

The same option is available for all other charts as well.

A chart with many options set

Candlestick chart

Pie chart


Geo Chart

Example showing US data by state

Show Hurricane Andrew (1992) storm track with markers


Click on the column header to sort the rows

Table with pages

Org chart

Double click on a parent to collapse all its children.

Tree Map

Left mouse-click to drill down, right mouse-click to move up a level.

Annotation chart

Sankey chart


Calendar chart

Timeline chart

Gantt chart

Word tree chart

Merging charts

mages/googleVis documentation built on June 3, 2024, 1:38 p.m.