knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, 
                      fig.align = "center",
                      collapse = TRUE,
                      comment = "#>")

Workshop: Genetic relatedness


The study of pedigrees and genetic relatedness is central in many fields, including medical genetics, forensics and epidemiology. The aim of this course is to introduce the elegant statistical foundations of relatedness, as well as relevant software tools.

The workshop will alternate between lectures and hands-on exercises. Some exercises use R, while others use QuickPed, a free online tool for creating and analysing pedigrees:

The course material is based on the book Pedigree Analysis in R (Vigeland '21), which may be a point of reference for participants who want to delve deeper into the subject.

Learning outcome

After completing the course the participants will have knowledge about:



The workshop is run as a half-day course, from 12 to 16, with the following (tentative) schedule:

link = pedsuite:::linkFUN(folder = "courses/yid2024")

Solutions to the exercises can be requested by email to magnusdv at gmail dot com.

magnusdv/pedsuite documentation built on Nov. 4, 2024, 9:36 p.m.