natdb: Builds a trait database

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s)


The key function of the natdb package. When run with defaults, it will download and build a database of species' traits from all the manuscript sources in the package. This totals XXX manuscripts/databases, XXX species, and XXX traits. Please note that all parameters are interactive; thus specifying species and traits constraints will constraint according to both, for example. Please also note that specifying any kind of constraints makes use of the package's built-in cache of what species and traits information are available in each database; making use of this on the GitHub (developer) build of this package is not advisable, and (further) it is impossible for us to verify whether the datasets NATDB searches have been updated since the package was last built.


natdb(datasets, cache, delay = 5)



Character vector of datasets to be searched for trait data. If not specified (the default) all trait datasets will be downloaded and returned.


Character vector of species to be searched for trait data. If not specified (the default) data for all species will be downloaded and returned.


Character vector of traits to be searched for data. If not specified (the default) data for all traits will be downloaded and returned.

Value object. XXX


Will Pearse; USU Biology Nerd Group (XXX) #@examples # Limit the scope of these as they have to work online on servers!... #@seealso

mahagadorn/MISTAKE_FIX documentation built on May 31, 2019, 5:21 p.m.