1) Introduction

The naivebayes package provides a user friendly implementation of the Naïve Bayes algorithm via formula interlace and classical combination of the matrix/data.frame containing the features and a vector with the class labels. All functions can recognize missing values, give informative warnings and more importantly - they know how to handle them. In following the basic usage of the main function naive_bayes() is demonstrated. Examples with the specialized Naive Bayes classifiers can be found in this article.

2) Example data

To demonstrate the usage of the naivebayes package, we will use an example dataset. The dataset is simulated and consists of various variables, including a class label, a binary variable, a categorical variable, a logical variable, a normally distributed variable, and a count variable.

The dataset contains 100 observations, and we split it into a training set (train) consisting of the first 95 observations and a test set (test) consisting of the remaining 5 observations. The test set excludes the class label variable (class) to simulate new data for classification.


# Simulate example data
n <- 100
data <- data.frame(class = sample(c("classA", "classB"), n, TRUE),
                   bern = sample(LETTERS[1:2], n, TRUE),
                   cat  = sample(letters[1:3], n, TRUE),
                   logical = sample(c(TRUE,FALSE), n, TRUE),
                   norm = rnorm(n),
                   count = rpois(n, lambda = c(5,15)))
train <- data[1:95, ]
test <- data[96:100, -1]

# Show first and last 6 rows in the simulated training dataset

# Show the test dataset

3) Formula interface

The naivebayes package provides a convenient formula interface for training and utilizing Naïve Bayes models. In this section, we demonstrate how to use the formula interface to perform various tasks.

# Train the Naïve Bayes model using the formula interface
nb <- naive_bayes(class ~ ., train)

# Summarize the trained model

# Perform classification on the test data
predict(nb, test, type = "class")

# Equivalent way of performing the classification task
nb %class% test

# Obtain posterior probabilities
predict(nb, test, type = "prob")

# Equivalent way of performing obtaining posterior probabilities
nb %prob% test

# Apply helper functions
tables(nb, 1)

# Note: By default, all "numeric" (integer, double) variables are modeled
#       with a Gaussian distribution.

4) Matrix/data.frame and class vector

In addition to the formula interface, the naivebayes package also allows training Naïve Bayes models using a matrix or data frame of features (X) and a vector of class labels (class). In this section, we demonstrate how to utilize this approach.

# Separate the features and class labels
X <- train[-1]
class <- train$class

# Train the Naïve Bayes model using the matrix/data.frame and class vector
nb2 <- naive_bayes(x = X, y = class)

# Obtain posterior probabilities for the test data
nb2 %prob% test

In the code above, we first separate the features from the train dataset by excluding the first column (which contains the class labels). The features are stored in the matrix or data frame X, and the corresponding class labels are stored in the vector class.

Next, we train a Naïve Bayes model using the naive_bayes() function by providing the feature matrix or data frame (x = X) and the class vector (y = class) as input arguments. The trained model is stored in the nb2 object.

To obtain the posterior probabilities of each class for the test data, we use the %prob% operator with the nb2 object. This allows us to get the probabilities without explicitly using the predict() function.

By using the matrix/data.frame and class vector approach, you can directly train a Naïve Bayes model without the need for a formula interface, providing flexibility in handling data structures.

5) Non-parametric estimation for continuous features

Kernel density estimation (KDE) is a technique that can be used to estimate the class conditional densities of continuous features in Naïve Bayes modeling. By default, naive_bayes() function assumes a Gaussian distribution for continuous features. However, you can explicitly request KDE estimation by setting the parameter usekernel = TRUE. KDE estimation is performed using the built-in density() function in R. By default, Gaussian smoothing kernel and Silverman's rule of thumb as bandwidth selector are used.

In the following code snippet, we demonstrate the usage of KDE in Naïve Bayes modeling:

# Train a Naïve Bayes model with KDE
nb_kde <- naive_bayes(class ~ ., train, usekernel = TRUE)
nb_kde %prob% test

# Plot class conditional densities
plot(nb_kde, "norm", arg.num = list(legend.cex = 0.9), prob = "conditional")

# Plot marginal densities for each class
plot(nb_kde, "norm", arg.num = list(legend.cex = 0.9), prob = "marginal")

In the above code, we first train a Naïve Bayes model using the formula interface and set usekernel = TRUE to enable KDE estimation. We then use the summary() function to obtain a summary of the trained model, including information about the conditional distributions.

Next, we use the plot() method to visualize the class conditional densities (prob = "conditional") and the marginal densities for each class (prob = "marginal"). This provides insights into the estimated densities of the continuous features.

Additionally, we can customize the KDE estimation by adjusting the kernel and bandwidth selection. The following sections demonstrate how to (1) change the kernel, (2) bandwidth selector, and (3) adjust the bandwidth:

5.1) Changing kernel

In the naive_bayes() function, you have the flexibility to specify the smoothing kernel to be used in KDE by using the kernel parameter. There are seven different smoothing kernels available, each with its own characteristics and effects on the density estimation. Here are the available kernels (referenced from help("density")):

You can refer to visualizations of these kernel functions on Wikipedia's Kernel Functions page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_%28statistics%29#Kernel_functions_in_common_use.

By specifying the desired kernel using the kernel parameter in the naive_bayes() function, you can choose the smoothing approach that best suits your data and modeling objectives.

# Change Gaussian kernel to biweight kernel
nb_kde_biweight <- naive_bayes(class ~ ., 
                               usekernel = TRUE,
                               kernel = "biweight")
nb_kde_biweight %prob% test
plot(nb_kde_biweight, "norm", arg.num = list(legend.cex = 0.9), prob = "conditional")

5.2) Changing bandwidth selector

The bandwidth selector is a critical component of KDE as it determines the width of the kernel and influences the smoothness of the estimated density function. You can specify the bandwidth selector using the bw parameter. Here are the available bandwidth selectors, described based on the R documentation help("bw.nrd0"):

Different bandwidth selectors can result in different levels of smoothness in the estimated densities. It can be beneficial to experiment with multiple selectors to find the most appropriate one for your specific scenario.

nb_kde_SJ <- naive_bayes(class ~ ., 
                         usekernel = TRUE,
                         bw = "SJ")
nb_kde_SJ %prob% test
plot(nb_kde_SJ, "norm", arg.num = list(legend.cex = 0.9), prob = "conditional")

5.3) Adjusting bandwidth

You can further adjust the bandwidth by specifying a factor using the adjust. This allows you to additionally control the smoothness of the estimated densities.

nb_kde_adjust <- naive_bayes(class ~ ., 
                             usekernel = TRUE,
                             adjust = 1.5)
nb_kde_adjust %prob% test
plot(nb_kde_adjust, "norm", arg.num = list(legend.cex = 0.9), prob = "conditional")

6) Model non-negative integers with Poisson distribution

Class conditional distributions of non-negative integer predictors can be modelled with Poisson distribution. This can be achieved by setting usepoisson=TRUE in the naive_bayes() function and by making sure that the variables representing counts in the dataset are of class integer.

nb_pois <- naive_bayes(class ~ ., train, usepoisson = TRUE)

nb_pois %prob% test

# Class conditional distributions
plot(nb_pois, "count", prob = "conditional")

# Marginal distributions
plot(nb_pois, "count", prob = "marginal")

The code snippet checks if the count variable in the train dataset is of class integer. Then, it fits a Naïve Bayes model using the Poisson distribution by specifying usepoisson = TRUE in the naive_bayes() function.

majkamichal/naivebayes documentation built on March 26, 2024, 8:44 p.m.