
#' @importFrom tibble tibble

#' The Blue Cliff Record
#' A koan collection written in 1125 and compiled by by Zen Master Yuanwu Keqin
#' that includes the 100 Verses on Old Cases, a compilation of 100 koans
#' collected by Xuedou Chongxian (Setcho), whose commentary appear ocassionally
#' throughout.
#' @format A \code{tbl} with four variables: \code{collection}, \code{case},
#'   \code{type}, and \code{text}. \code{collection} is the title of the text,
#'   "Blue Cliff Record". \code{case} indicates the koan case number.
#'   \code{type} indicates the text type, one of: "title", the title of the
#'   case, "main_case", the main case of the koan, or "commentary", commentary
#'   on the koan by Setcho.
#' @source http://4x13.net/buddhism/koan_bluecliff.pdf

#' Book of Equanimity
#' A koan collection written in 1224 by Zen Master Wansong Xingxiu that is
#' comprised of 100 koans written by 11th century Zen Master Hongzhi Zhengjue
#' @format A \code{tbl} with four variables: \code{collection}, \code{case},
#'   \code{type}, and \code{text}. \code{collection} is the title of the text,
#'   "Book of Equanimity". \code{case} indicates the koan case number.
#'   \code{type} indicates the text type, one of: "title", the title of the
#'   case, or "main_case", the main case of the koan.
#' @source http://www.thezensite.com/ZenTeachings/KoanStudies/Shoyoroku.pdf

#' The Gateless Gate
#' A koan collection written in 1228 by Zen Master Wumen Huikai (Japanese: Mumon
#' Ekai) that includes a commentary and capping verse by Wumen for each koan.
#' @format A \code{tbl} with four variables: \code{collection}, \code{case},
#'   \code{type}, and \code{text}. \code{collection} is the title of the text,
#'   "The Gateless Gate". \code{case} indicates the koan case number.
#'   \code{type} indicates the text type, one of: "title", the title of the
#'   case, "main_case", the main case of the koan, "commentary", commentary by
#'   Wumen (Mumon), or "capping_verse", a short verse by Wumen (Mumon)
#'   summarizing the essence of the koan.
#' @source http://info.stiltij.nl/publiek/meditatie/koan/mumonkan-shimomisse.pdf

#' Record of the Transmission of the Light
#' A koan collection written in 1300 by Zen Master Keizan Jokin that describes
#' the enlightenment experience of of the Buddha and the 53 ancestors that led
#' to Keizan Zenki's school of Zen.
#' @format A \code{tbl} with four variables: \code{collection}, \code{case},
#'   \code{type}, and \code{text}. \code{collection} is the title of the text,
#'   "Record of the Transmission of the Light". \code{case} indicates the koan
#'   case number. \code{type} indicates the text type, one of: "title", the
#'   title of the case, "main_case", the main case of the koan, "commentary",
#'   commentary on the koan by Keizan Zenji, or "capping_verse", a short verse
#'   by Keizan Zenji summarizing the essence of the koan.
#' @source https://shastaabbey.org/publications/
malcolmbarrett/koanr documentation built on May 28, 2019, 3:10 p.m.