knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)

Get started

## load and activate phenoTS package from github

## set directory where data files shall be saved
my_dir <- "C:/Users/.../my_folder"

## check available crops  and their abbreviations

download observation + meta data from DWD's ftp-server

# crop: Rotbuche (European beech), annual + immediate reporters
dwd_download(crops="FIC", start=1900, end=2019, _
             report="JMSM", dir_out=my_dir)

Data processing

## create directory to folder containing files to be processed
folder_dir <- paste0(my_dir, "/RBU") 

## process and join all files in folder
rbu_data <- dwd_process(folder_dir)

#result: processed tidyverse tibble

Note: includes several processing phenoTS functions:

Data filtering

a. general filters: select one phase, define observation period, delete closed stations

# phase 4 (begin of foliation / Blattentfaltung Beginn) selected here
# = indicator for start of greening / spring
rbu_data <- dwd_filter(rbu_data, dwd_phase_id=4, _
             obs_start=1950, obs_end=2018, obs_min=25)

b. filter specific stations

# filter flexibly using dplyr package
rbu_data <- dplyr::filter(rbu_data,_

# save selected stations as shape file

Plotting time-series results

rbu_plot <- dwd_plot_ts(rbu_data)

Plotting time-series results | two crops

rbu_fic_plot <- dwd_plot_2_ts(rbu_data,fic_data)

malinfischer/phenoTS documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:56 a.m.