
# The best way to install this package is to downlowd the Source Ball file 
# located in the "source_ball" directory. Once you have the source file on your
# computer use the install feature in RStudio and use the "install from" tab to
# install from "Package Archive File (.tgz; tar.gz)".

# If you do not use the obove method to install the package then copy and paste
# the section below into your R console. The data files listed in "inst/extdata"
# will need to be installed manually, which is not ideal. For the package to
# work properly you will need these files.

# If you do not already have devtools installed, install it...

if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")

# To install the package:



malooney/beerConsumptionBrandChoice documentation built on May 23, 2019, 2:48 p.m.