Man pages for malucalle/selbal
Finding highly - associated balances with the response variable.

bal.valueThe balance value for a given matrix of counts using the...
cmultRepl2Zero replacement for compositional data
CrohnMicrobiome composition related to Crohn's disease study
HIVMicrobiome, HIV infection and MSM factor
logit.corComputes an association value between a dichotomous variable...
plot.balThe balance value for a given matrix of counts using the...
plot.tabPlots the cross - validated summary table
rename_OTURename each taxon
rowMCalculates the mean of each row of a matrix (though having...
sCD14Microbiome and sCD14 inflammation parameter
selbalLooks for a highly-associated balance with a response...
selbal.auxThe balance defined in the order its variables were selected
selbal.cvCross - validation process for the selection of the optimal...
malucalle/selbal documentation built on Feb. 28, 2025, 4:53 a.m.